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"Your dragons son?!"

Everyone yelled.

Newgate just smiled in amusement. For he knew about Dragon because of Garp. The fact this child's family name was Monkey can only mean that he is the grandchild of Garp the fist and therefore Dragon's son.

Luffy, not seeing the shock or caring, decided to tell them about some of the other powerful names he knew.

"And the blue gentleman Sabo is my big brother. He's dad's second in command. Shanks basically adopted me after a while. I'm also friends with Hancock and Hawk-eye from the warlords, and Jimbei is a member of my crew, as is Nico Robin."

At this point, everyone was staring at Luffy with wide eyes. A few had their jaws dropped. Even Newgate was impressed with the number of unlikely allies surrounding this child.

Izo was the first to recover, saying calmly.

"Well...that was quite unexpected. You have some intriguing connections, kid."

Luffy just looks at him amused.

"Connections? That's just my friends and family who are big names like me. That's not even close to my list of connections."

Luffy tells them with a look of both sadness and amusement.

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