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"Alright, Marco, it's your turn. Same as with Izo, lay down in pops lap. Thatch, Izo, you two are gonna take his sides, but this time, I want you to hold his hands and arms, please. I'm going to sit on his stomach this time because I'm the one he saw most recently. Oyaji, I want you to put a hand on his legs to help keep him in place. Thatch, Izo? Keep a firm hold on his arms and hands. Remember, he was in a big battle before he died. There's a chance he will freak when he remembers."

Everyone nods at the directions given to them. Once everyone was situated, Luffy turned to his mate.

"Marco? Are you ready?"

Marco shuffled a bit more to get comfy before looking at his brothers and father before taking a deep breath and replying.

"I'm ready, Luffy."


Taking a breath to calm down and focus, Luffy closes his eyes and places his hand on Marco's forehead, causing Marco to follow his lead.

"Memory Transfer."

Like with Izo and Newgate, Marco also felt the headache of incoming memories. A few minutes pass with the Pheonix groaning in pain but not going limp like Izo did when he passed out.

Before anyone could react, Marco suddenly burst into flames, but he was unable to go anywhere thanks to Luffy's precautions.

Everyone who had a hold of him was using haki to hold him in place until he was aware of his surroundings once more.

"If  you want to get to our mate, you're gonna have to go through us first, you bastards."

Many commanders were startled by the sudden commotion but kept quiet at the look their father gave them.


Said mates' head snapped to the person holding his shoulders down. And letting out a growl.


That got the Pheonix attention immediately. Only two people ever called him that. His brother, and.....

Marco's eyes widen in horror when he sees his smallest mate above him.


"What are you doing here?! We told you to run!! Why did you come back?!"

Tear were streaming down the first mates' cheeks because he truly believed they were about to die.

"Marco. Look at me. What's the last thing you remember?"

The Pheonix looks at his mate, confused before replying.

"Getting you on the boat with Law's help. And..... damn marine."

Luffy looks down sadly at this while angry tears fall from his eyes. Everyone gave the child a look of sadness and pity.

Marco, seeing this, can only think the worst. Shaking his head, with eyes growing in horror, he whispers a broken.


'He....died......I failed....Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Law.....I'm sorry....'

Luffy shakes his head, getting his pineapple's attention. Before slowly reaching out.

Luffy wipes away his mates, tears with a gentle smile on his face.

"I got away. You both got me out of there. I made it, Marco. I made it to Raftel. Search your memories. I promise this will make sense, and I swear, it won't happen this time. NEVER AGAIN."

Luffy finished with a hard, angry stare off to the side.

Marco, still confused, nods his head before closing his eyes and searching like Luffy asked him to.

Slowly, minutes passed. And with each minute, Marco grew more and more shaky. Finally, he opened his eyes, and tears never stopped falling. They only came stronger and faster than ever before.

Locking eyes with his sun Macro can only ask desperately with his eyes if this was real, if they were all....alive.

Luffy gently wipes his tears with a small smile on his face before turning his head three different directions. All three are causing his mate to freeze longer than the last, but each one is also causing more and more tears, as whines and whimpers of anguish leave his sealed lips.

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