Luffy wakes up

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It's been about three days since Marco's intervention, and Luffy's condition has yet to improve. But that was about to change. Right now, Thatch was on watch duty, so Marco would go eat.



Thatch thought he heard something, but when he checked the kid, everything looked the same.

"Huh. Guess it was my imagination. Oh, well. Hope you wake up soon, kid. Marco's really worried about you."


Looking to the kid once more, Thatch noticed his eyes were a little scrunched up.

"Ok, now I know that was you. Kid? Can you hear me? Come on. I know you can do it."

While it looks like Luffy was trying to wake up it seemed like he needed a little push but Thatch didn't want to cause the kid to panic so he slipped towards the door where a second commander was guarding the room on pops orders.

"Izo! Go get Marco! Quick! I think the kids waking up!!"

With wide eyes, Izo took off running yelling for Marco.

"Marco! Marco, where are you! Marco!"

Marco happened to be up in the crows nest when he heard Izo yelling his name, sounding panicked. Quickly flying down to the deck, he lands right in front of Izo, who saw him coming down.

"Izo! What's wrong, are you ok? What happened? Wait... you were guarding Luffy! Is he ok?! Did something happen?! What's..."



Izo had just slapped Marco. Shutting him up instantly.
Marco turned to Izo with a glare and a growl to his words.

"Izo... why did you just slap me?"

Izo at least looked sheepish as he explained.

"Sorry, Marco. I didn't know how else to shut you up. But that's not important. Luffy is waking up!!"


Hearing this, Marco immediately took off for the infirmary. His brothers, having learned about who was in the infirmary, knew to dodge out of his way this time lest they get run over again.

Marco burst into the infirmary, shouting his mates name.


Groan hnng huhh


Hearing his mate call for him, Marco rushed to his side, grabbing his hand and sweeping the hair out of his face.

"Luffy... I'm right here. I'm here. You're safe. Please wake up, Luffy."


Carefully scooping his mate up, Marco puts the boy in his lap as he curls around him protectivly before letting out a calming purr.

"I'm here, Luffy. I've got you, you're safe. You found me. It's going to be ok."

With a gasp, Luffy's eyes snap open, and he stares at Marco before flinging himself at him and clinging for all he's worth crying his heart out.

"'s you... you're here... I found you.. Marco."

"Shhh. I've got you. It's gonna be ok."

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