Those He Lost

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When Luffy turned his head to the side with the commanders, Marco sucked in a sharp breath as a whine left his lips at the sight of a brother he hadn't seen in a few years. Since the war of wano. Izo.

Next, Luffy tilted his head upward. And again, Marco froze. A sob and whimpers escaping at the site of the one above him. His father. The same father he remembered, watching as he protected his remaining sons from the marines as they retreated. He died in the war.

Finally, Luffy turned his head towards his father's torso. And there sitting was someone that made him keen in pain and grief. Because sitting there was his best friend. The same one he grew up with, the same one he found dead. Thatch. He was killed by Teach.

Marco didn't know what to do with himself. He desperately wanted to hold all of them. So, instead, he looks at the one person he knows how to focus on the most easily. The one he died to protect. The one he left behind. His mate. Luffy.

( It's going to be a bit before the next update. I'm working on the next 4-5 chapters. )

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