Releasing His Pent Up Emotions

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Everything is quiet for a minute or two before a quiet voice breaks the silence.

"I know that. B-but.... I.......but you might..... be disgusted .....with me......."

Marco narrows his eyes at Luffy, leveling him with a glare as if daring him to say that again.

"I will never be disgusted with you. Do you hear me, Luffy?"

Marco demanded with a haki laced growl.

A desperate whine leaves Luffy's lips as he presses into Marco hard. Clinging to him as if he'll disappear if he lets go.

With a shuddering gasp, a sob is wrenched from his throat, choking him in emotions that were so overwhelming when he was alone that he repressed them.

Sob after sob is ripped from his throat as all his terror, all his pain, and fear of being alone just rushes him all at once.

"Marco! Mah-mar-co! Mahaharcohohoh! Marco! Marco! Marcohohohoho!"

Luffy sobbed hysterically, collapsing on the first mate as he finally lets everything he was bottling out.

"I'm here, Luffy, I'm right here, okay? It's going to be okay. You're safe now. I've got you. Everything is going to be just fine."

Over and over, he told his mate, cradling him gently as he let everything out.

Sure, Luffy was 24, but he was still so young when everything hit the fan....both of his mates were, for that matter. But Luffy was always the optimist, the one trying to keep everyone happy. And when he couldn't keep it up, he would go to them and just let out his pent-up emotions and recharge mentally as they kept him safe and secure in their hold till he was ready to go back to being their bright and cheerful sun.

And he would continue to do so for as long as he lived, because if anything wanted to get to Luffy, they had to go through him first. And he wasn't planning on leaving his mates side for at least a month, if not longer.

Everyone was concerned for the boy. If anyone dared to try and hurt this child again, there would be hell to pay because the commanders were already willing to kill anyone to protect this sweet, broken cinnamon roll.

By the time Luffy had finally calmed, all of the commanders were settled on the floor as they waited patiently with concern shining in their eyes.

About 2 hours have passed now. And slowly, Luffy's sobs come to a halt. Leaving him exhausted and weary but ready to move forward once more.

Moving slowly, Luffy turns in Marco's hold so he can pull Izo and Thatch closer to him, forcing them to lean against his sides and on Marco.

Nobody complains about the new position, simply happy to have the kid moving again after his continued stillness that just made everyone feel like something was wrong and missing.

"You wanted to know about my injuries. Right?"

Luffy asks quietly. Sending a tired glance at the commanders seated on the floor. Before letting out a small sigh.

"It was about a week after I lost Marco and Law. I was drifting aimlessly when I found an island. I went out to search for food. From what I could tell, it was a pretty big island, and it didn't seem to be inhabited. At least I thought it wasn't."

That just got some shifting from his audience, but they remained quiet, waiting to ask questions until after they had more information.

"It's a little hard to remember everything that happened cause I had a fever, but I remember finding some food and a cave I could sleep in for a bit, so I took shelter there."

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