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No you're not seeing things - the rest of golden has been returned and re uploaded to wattpad to read for free! 

Don't let yourself get taken advantage of by people, companies or agencies that don't have you or your art at the centre of their motivation — it could ruin something you put your whole heart and soul into. 

The truth is the company that published Golden heavily took advantage of me being a first time author, and I truly do not believe they ever had any good intentions. If you got one then you know not only were there multiple editing issues, but also silly changes I did not make. Not only did this upset me because it doesn't support my level of writing or show the work I put into editing the book, but because I trusted them to do their job. Following this, they have not paid me the correct amount and abused the contract loopholes to actually make it so that for every book bought (which was almost £16 each) I was getting not even 70p. This broke my heart, not because I want to be rich but because I hoped to at least try to start earning s o m e t h i n g from my work, and I knew that you guys were trying to support me too.Golden has been removed from amazon and I believe will also be removed from ereaders, so if it disappears I'm so sorry.I want to thank ever single one of you who bought a book and supported me— you now have very limited editions of Golden, lol, and I hope you still enjoy them even though they weren't perfect. I will be uploading the new version of Golden that was published, most likely towards the end of the year, once I have gone through and re-edited it for you guys. Until then, I hope you all enjoy maybe giving the old version a read, it still has such a special place in my heart, or I hope you give my new book The Age of Aquarius a try— I'm hoping to get it into the Watty's! I love you all so much and want to say thank you for the support you've already given, and the support you're no doubt going to give. It sucks that something that I thought was a dream come true turned like this, but I'm grateful for the learning opportunity and for the chance to try again. All my loveE x 

Thanks for reading <3 

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Where stories live. Discover now