Chapter 6

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The banner is one I made myself and I think it's super cute. The blend worked really well so let me be proud of it. It's just simple and honestly, I don't know why it has anything to do with the story but it gives off the good vibes so I thought I'd place it in this chapter. 

This chapter is dedicated to @walletxofxwishes for supporting this story and constantly voting! (I also see you voting on the old version and even though I'd rather you didn't read it I appreciate it!) 

Sending love to everyone x


Passing out is always a really strange thing because for a moment when you wake up you're so disorientated that you sometimes don't even remember what happened, it's like until you open your eyes and have a look for yourself, you could be anywhere.

And so when I opened my eyes and realised that I was staring at the roof of the gymnasium it took me a while to understand what I was seeing and I was extremely confused. But once I saw the nurse hanging over me, fussing over my face and basically shoving water down my throat, it all came flooding back and it was safe to say I was incredibly embarrassed.

Luckily for me, all the students had left before I fainted, according to Trent. It seemed that I had been to busy staring at him to even notice everyone leaving and the change of volume in the gym.

So here I was, sitting on a wooden bench, drinking a glass of water and eating some crackers, finally managing to assure the nurse that I was totally fine and I'd just fainted because of the heat.

I mean that was totally the reason, it's not like I'd fainted because of Trent or anything.

Of course not.

No way.

That's just crazy.

"You sure you're okay?" a voice asks and I look at the person sitting beside me and sigh.


"Yeah, I'm fine," I lightly chuckle, trying not to look into his eyes or make a big deal of anything, "I just didn't eat breakfast and the heat was crazy in here with so many people."

Trent stays silent for a moment as if he was digesting my comment and figuring out how to respond, but then he smiles, "It was really warm, I'm glad you're alright."

I'm surprised that he lets it go and doesn't bug me for the truth – because we both know I'm lying, but I'm grateful that he doesn't drag out my embarrassment any further.

"If you're that warm then you should take off your jacket," he comments and I instinctively grab onto my denim jacket that's wrapped around my body, giving me a bit of modesty in the outfit I'd had picked for me.

"I'm alright now," I counter and he shrugs my answer away, although he pauses slightly before doing it and I try not to look too uncomfortable or fidget. Why did I suddenly feel so naked and vulnerable?

I glance at him and I can't help the smile that sneaks onto my lips.

He sits in silence, his eyes scanning the gymnasium lazily and that's when I realise that we're alone, apart from the coach rummaging in the storage cupboard next to us, but he's almost impossible to hear. The nurse had gone and the Principle had left when I woke up, it turns out the thing Trent had said to me before I fainted was that he had never received his timetable so the Principle was away getting his receptionists to print a new one.

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