Chapter 57

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the amount of love I have for you guys is unreal. 

I'm going to announce the cast across the next couple of chapters because I've made some big decisions and I'm so happy!! Still need to decide on the older characters but we'll get there! EXCITING!! 

Today we're announcing... ELLE! Played by Scarlett Leithold!!! I think she's utterly perfect for her !! 

I've announced all my cast already on my instagram so if you're impatient you can head there and see! 

By next upload we're going to have hit 600K reads and I'm gobsmacked. My heart is full. I love you all.






 Much to my relief, the next couple of hours at the beach went off without a hitch. 

Once certain people - or I should say wolves - got over themselves and let go of their prejudices, it felt like everyone had been friends for life. 

"There is no way that you can live in that house and not be attracted to anyone," Kristie says in a matter of fact tone as we watch the boys play a match, "Like, I know that Lee is your brother and Trent your cousin, but come on."

Scarlette shrugs and stretches her toes, soft amusement on her lips at the disbelief in the other girls' voice.

"Honestly, I see them all as family," she explains, "it would be weird for me."

The thought of Scarlette having a crush on anyone in the house was weird for me; even trying to imagine her being mushy and romantic with a single one of the people that she complains about on a daily basis and insults frequently was hard.

"Okay, but you've never even thought about it? Even just for a night?"

Her silence catches my attention and I watch her expression as she shakes her head, the smile on her lips now almost disappearing. Her eyes dropping to the ground as her arms wrap around her legs.

I'd never asked Scarlette about her love life. In all our conversations and deep chats, it had never even crossed my mind to ask her about her mate. She'd always aimed the questions at me and my life, I'd been so caught up in my own head and trying to get to grips with this new world that I'd been thrust into that I hadn't thought about the other people in it. 

I was not earning friend points.

"Not really," she answers lightly, "A fleeting, schoolgirl crush maybe but I'm not interested in dating for fun. When I fall in love they'll be perfect for me."

Maybe that's why she was so invested in Trent and I - the idea of real mates gave her something to look forward to and believe in.

Kristie snorts and motions between us while brushing her hair out of her face.

"Where were you a couple of years ago when we picked the worst people in the world?" she jokes causing us all to laugh, "It's not so easy to spot it, I wish it was."

If they're a werewolf then Kristie I hate to tell you but it really is.

"I feel like Scarlette will know," I chime in, throwing the redhead a wink as I do, "She's got a pretty good intuition about things."

The grateful smile that she gives me is heartwarming; I suppose trying to explain to a human that you were waiting for your soulmate sounded a little cheesy and unrealistic without them knowing the truth behind the word. 

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora