Thank you note

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Hello my lovelies,

Firstly I just want to say - WE DID IT!!!  WE FRICKEN DID IT!!!! I CAN BARELY BELIEVE IT!!!!

Secondly, the biggest thank you ever to every single one of you, I could literally spend the next hour typing out the names of every single person that commented on this story repeatedly but honestly I know that you know exactly who you are!!! 

My angels.

My faves.

My thirsty ass Trent admirers.

My Matt haters.

My Elle supporters. 

My Kristie hype squad.

You guys never fail to leave the most incredible comments and truly see the characters and the things they're going through. All I've ever wanted was for my readers to feel a connection with the story I had created and knowing that you guys feel so much for the people in this story genuinely makes everything feel warm and fuzzy.

The original version of this story was started back in 2014 but Golden started in 2018 - right when I was coming to the end of my 8 month long abusive relationship. When I started writing it I had just dropped out of university, moved back home and left my entire life behind to get away from him. 

So, when I say that this book has been my rock, my therapy and my escape for the past two (and a bit) years, I really fucking mean it. I don't know how my mental health would be, or me as a person, without this story and you guys supporting it. It's genuinely been a lifesaver for me and I can never thank you all enough. 

From the messages people sent me telling me their own stories, their own struggles and asking for my help or advice, to people just telling me that Elle gave them hope, strength and someone they could connect with - someone who was real and honest, despite how horrible and dark it could sometimes be... that makes it all completely worth it. And I cannot express how much it means to me and how happy I am that it's managed to help even a handful of people. 

Following that, seeing the way that you all came together to support people telling their stories in the comments and encouraged each other to open up... honestly, it made me cry. Watching you all not only do it for me but for other readers was so emotional and overwhelming and I couldn't have pictured anything more perfect. 

So thank you to every single one of you who has made this community so incredible, accepting and loving!! (As well as absolutely hilarious, sassy and down right blunt sometimes haha!)

Okay, so that's enough of me gushing about how brilliant you all are and how loved you make me feel.

If you do go back to reread the book then make sure to comment with #rr so that I can see all your comments and all you rereaders can find each other!!! And it will be fun to see you guys spotting stuff you didn't see before/realising things that fit together.

Honestly, I think I'm going to verbally scream when I hit that complete button!!!! 

You guys make my life incredible and I don't know what I'd do without you!

As always, any edits/drawings you've done, any quotes you love or moments from the book that stand out to you - tell me, tag me, write to me! 

Also if anyone wants to review the book then please do because I would love to make a collection of your reviews!!! 

Honestly just obsessed with you all and this book and I want to experience as much as possible with you all!!!

Going to take a couple of weeks to plan out the sequel and get ahead on a couple of chapters so stay tuned and make sure to follow me to get the notifications and such!! 

I will also post a page on here letting you all know when the first chapter is uploaded!


Ellis x 

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Where stories live. Discover now