Chapter 46

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Hi babies! Sorry, this is late - I have zero excuses!! 

I hope everyone is happy and healthy and making the best of this time in quarantine - for any of you still working I'm sending love and support to you in these difficult times! 

This chapter is dedicated to @sleepingcrowns who has made some moodboards on Pinterest for the book and they are absolutely amazing! She is a looooooong standing supporter of these books and I love her more and more each day!!! She made the original cover for my old version of this book and is super supportive and talented! Sending so much love to you Taylor xx the link for you guys to check it out!!! 

If any of you have anything similar let me know!! I love seeing what you guys do with this story xx 

hope you love this chapter!!! 

Seeing Cole was difficult. 

Seeing the bandages covering most of his body, the scarred tissue peeking out from underneath and the pained expression on his face made what happened hit home. 

Someone had tried to kill us.

I shakily stand beside his bed and take his uninjured hand, feeling how hot it is underneath my skin gives me some comfort - at least it wasn't ice cold. 

The pack doctor that was in checking his vitals glances at me with an unsure smile and I softly give her one back, trying to not look so scared. This was Scarlette's mother after all. 

"Hi, I'm Elle," I say to her, startling her a little as she wipes her hands on her sides and rushes over to me, "You're Deli, right?" 

"Uh... y-yes Lu- I mean Elle, I'm Deli."

I'm a little shocked at how nervous she seems to be, but as I take her hand and shake it lightly her nerves seem to settle and she relaxes. 

"Thank you, for looking after Cole and checking up on me the last couple of days..." I trail off, "I apologise for not talking to you when you were, I was just a little shaken up." 

She gasps and shakes her head, squeezing my hand before letting go of it, "There is no need to apologise, you were in shock and you didn't need to speak to me, you had other things going on."

The way she bows slightly as she says all of this makes me a little uncomfortable but I smile nonetheless, looking over at Cole. 

"How is he?" 

As soon as the conversation switches to medicine she loses any sign of uncertainty and changes into a woman of confidence, her hands hovering over his body gently, checking charts and readjusting tubes.

"He's healing and he's making good recovery... however there's only so much that our regenerative cells can do and I'm worried that his mind is going to be the place of issue... his head was pretty badly damaged in the blast and it's not sending all the right signals to the rest of his body." 

My heart breaks as I sit down and look at his chest rising up and down slowly, the worry flooding me, pulling the pit in my stomach deeper. 

"Is there anything else we can do? Any witches or -"

"No," she interrupts sternly but quickly catches herself, her eyes widening in panic, "I apologise, I didn't mean to -" I wave off her words and motion for her to continue, "Witches... All of their magic isn't always correct, it can have a lot of side effects or things can go wrong that we can't prevent... werewolf bodies aren't predictable."

Golden (Book 1 of the Golden Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin