Chapter 4

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Just another mood board for our girl, Elle. I cannot believe this book is already at over 120 reads, you guys are the best. I know I said weekly uploads before however I can't help but upload when I see people loving this book so make sure to vote and comment because it just pushes me to upload quicker! 

This chapter is also dedicated to@WithAThousandLies  for her support not only on this rewrite but the old version too, it means the world that people have stuck with my books for so long. Thanks gal x

Here comes the chapter – with an entrance of a certain someone....


Stepping out of Matt's car I suddenly felt as though I couldn't breathe. This was it. The feeling that I'd had all morning, this foreboding itch that I couldn't scratch was constantly annoying me, as if something insane was about to happen, something that would change my life. I hadn't said anything to Matt, obviously. It would just have made him angry and it's not as if I really said a single word the whole drive here, he'd rambled on and on about our image and my instructions for the day for the whole car journey, I nodded along in agreement, my mind wandering.

Matt joins me at the side of his truck, his arm snaking around my waist as he looks me up and down, "You look so damn sexy, I'm so proud that you're mine." He kisses me lightly and my heart flutters, he had the sweetest moments sometimes.

The outfit had actually been quite nice, much to my surprise. Sure it was still skin tight and not something any sane person would pick to wear to school but I could pull it off with the hot weather and the denim jacket I'd placed over it. I thought it had been a dress at first, however, the outfit was actually a two piece but they melted together. It was just simple and white, a spaghetti strapped crop top and skirt to match, although the skirt was unnecessarily short and the top showed cleavage, I didn't feel as horrible as I thought I would in it. In fact, I did actually feel quite beautiful in it, even if it showed a bit too much flesh and he'd paired it with golden heels which pinched my toes.

"I'm going to go find the boys, meet you at your locker?" Matt slaps my ass and walks away without waiting for me to reply, making me roll my eyes. I sling my bag over my shoulder and place my sunglasses on my nose.

By direction of Matt, I'd kept my makeup light and the white colour of the clothing worked really well with my blonde hair flowing down my back and my natural tan. It was the first time in a while I'd felt pretty.

Time to make a good first impression.

The closer I come to the school the more people turn and stare, like usual. I greet the familiar ones, smiling and waving politely while thanking the glasses for hiding my gaze from the people that were unfamiliar to me. I could feel glares from them as my hair swung and I knew they were probably waiting for me to be the Queen Bitch of the school, to be a total cliche like Tracey or the three witches. But I wasn't like them.

I hated being mean, I hated being judged constantly for my actions and I would never purposely hurt someone to improve my social standing. I'd managed to stay pretty true to myself despite my look and attitude when I was with Matt. Sure everyone has moments of bitchiness or not getting along with someone, but unnecessary hatred wasn't something I needed more of in my life.

Kristie always joked that there was 'Anna' and there was 'Elle', and although we laughed about it, it was kind of true. 'Anna' was the golden girl, Matt's girlfriend, one of the 'populars', the image of a perfect all American girl. But then there was Elle, and she was the real me, the girl who was too scared to show her true self, who'd had so many years of hatred and pain that she no longer enjoyed life. The girl that only a few people really knew, who loved photography and animals and music and never wanted to be in the spotlight. That was me, but it all came under the name Annabelle. Although my father was the only person to call me that. Matt used to call me Elle but that stopped a few years ago when he realised my father hate it, and that's exactly why Kristie liked calling me it so much, just to annoy him. She'd called me it for years before that too but it was now like a second personality for me.

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