Chapter 59

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HI! So, as I said the last chapter was connected to this one and it would be all one big chapter but yeah a 7,000 word chapter is a bit of a joke SO HERE'S THE SECOND PART! Lot's of love x

P.S. Also Hugh Laughton Scott as Cameron Reid!! He was suggested as Cole before but his baby face pulled me much more to him being a Cam! Super happy with it - just imagine him a little bit ginger haha!  




"I didn't mean to hurt you," Cam defends, fists shaking as he stands tall, "I would never-"


The eruption should have been expected, it's not as if I assumed Trent was going to take the development well.

But I could never have prepared myself for the downright blood-curdling voice that echoes around us, the fury in it igniting that familiar feeling of fear so intense that it's as if someone has dragged a knife down my spine.

"You're right," it laughs and I step away from the body that's beginning to convulse at my feet, "You don't do anything."

It rises up slowly, limbs twitching and head rolling as the muscles across it's back begin to shift; stretching under the skin as if they're trying to break free. The grotesque figure growing unnaturally, a demonic and guttural growl echoing from its core.

"You stand there and preach to me that I'm not good enough for her, yet what have you done."

I can't take my eyes away from the pulsing creature that's ripping at its own skin, it's ungodly snarl making me flinch back in terror as I struggle to comprehend what I'm watching.

Clearly, someone has a deathwish because my stubborn mule of a best friend finds the courage within him to bite back, his own body itching to be free while the other three around him growl, warning him to stop.

Of course, he ignores them.

"How dare you, I-"


The words are a roar across the beach, the world seeming to freeze in its wake.

I can't breathe.

Slowly, a dark snicker begins to echo and his head to vehemently shake like there is some amusement to be found in the question.

Somehow, this was more terrifying than him screaming.

"You spend years sitting there," he leers, putrid words dripping from his tongue, "Standing there, watching her be hurt by people who are meant to love her. Seeing how much she is in pain and you-"

He scoffs, turning to look at his target and revealing his face to us all, the whimper escaping my mouth involuntary as my muscles clench in preparation to flee.

"You dare to sit there and try to tell me that I'm not good enough for her, as if you are?"

My heart is like a hammer in my chest as I finally see his face in the sunlight. Morphed into a creature that seems to be half-human and half-beast, the man before me has lost all signs of Trent's soft expressions - his eyes like two black holes that could swallow your soul.

"You, who even when you were gifted with the powers to protect her, to defend her, still did nothing."

His voice rises with every word, the suppressed anger breaking free with every syllable, turning words into monsterous sounds that scratch my skin.

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