Chapter 55

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 Hi my lovelies,

big love to all of you who have followed me on twitter and instagram! I love connecting with you guys more and sharing my thoughts and ideas with you - if you haven't joined the party and want to then my insta is  @ nobodygirlinsta  and my twitter is @ nobodygirl98    can't wait to see you guys there!! 

Also a big big shoutout to vegetable_vandetta for helping me with some foreign pet names and giving me some new ones - I really appreciate it! 

Also sleepingcrowns pinterest link is under the video and I'm sure she'll post it in the comments here too (because she's amazing and i love her x )

And thank you for all the love and support as always - I can't wait to read your comments for this chapter because ITS A BIG ONE!!! (Although I keep thinking that about all the moments so I'm a little biased -woops.

lots of love to you all! 




I wake up screaming again.

It's the same dream but different.

It starts off with my first time; with Matt. With the pressure of his body on mine.

But as the hands begin to change, to blur, to become the next assailant, the face becomes the person who watched me in the mall. His eyes just as cold and unwavering as they had been then. 

I expect to see him standing there when I suddenly wake but I'm only greeted with silence and my own bedroom. 

I fall back into my pillows while rubbing my eyes, my breathing laboured as I try to get a grasp on my sanity. 

It wasn't real. 

They weren't here. 

I was safe.

Pulling the duvet closer to me, I roll on my side and curl in a ball, folding in on myself as I try to remind myself of the day I've had and stop the panic attacking that's threatening to come. 

Beside me on the sheet, just sitting in the perfect stream of moonlight from the window, is the rose that Trent gifted me on our date. 

It had been beautiful, perfect even.

I didn't even remember going to bed. When I'd started to get a little sleepy at the lake after we lay for a while, Trent had decided it was time to go home and we'd packed up. The last thing I remembered was driving home and falling asleep in the car.

Trent must have carried me to bed.

The thought makes me smile as I stare at it, my heart full just by remembering him giving it to me with such a cute expression.

Glancing down I realise that I'm still wearing my dress, and most likely makeup, from the date which makes me hop out of bed quickly. I cleanse my face of any leftover product that my tears haven't dealt with before removing my necklace and then trying to get my dress off.

He really knew how to get to me, didn't he? He'd wormed his way into my heart without me even realising. Past all of the caring moments, affectionate smiles and charming words - he had listened to me. 

Like really listened to me, even when I didn't realise I was speaking. He knew what I was going to do before even I did- like he could sense it. 

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