Chapter 58

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HIIIIII - MEET XAVIER SERRANO AS TRENT!!!  Finding school age looking boys that could also be an alpha was hard but here we are!! AND I LOVE HIM! (add that little bit of stubble maaaaybe) 

So this was all meant to be one chapter but it's like 6,000 words so I've split it into two so expect the other upload soon! Also, I apologise for the rollercoaster of emotions you're going to experience over the next couple chapters hahaaaa x 

I LOVE U- please don't kill me x X 


Trent was going to kill Cam.

It's the only thought that keeps running through my head as I stand, completely frozen and lost, watching the scene unfold, listening to Cam's grunts of pain as he's forced to stand up. Alarmed, I look down to the trail that leads to the house, not knowing how to feel when I see that no one is there. 

It would be difficult to explain what was going on but another human might have stopped him from losing full control.

"There has to be something we can do," I whisper, not really knowing if I'm talking to anyone but myself, "There has to be."

Trent's body seems to grow as he steps up to Cam, his bare shoulders widening and head tilting as he assesses the person before him, his teeth glinting as he grins. This wasn't the gentle boy who had made me pumpkin pie and slept at my door to make sure I didn't have nightmares, he was unrecognisable.


The word is dragged out, like a lion stretching in the sun, testing its legs before hunting. 

"Do you have zero respect for the law or did you just want to die today?"

My shallow breaths catch as I try to not shake with fear, watching the way the creatures head rolls around slowly, taking its time with its show at a relaxed pace. Cam's neck strains upwards as they force his chin forward, his eyes determined to not shrink away despite how disadvantaged he was.

"Fuck. You."

The head stops moving and snaps upright, a growl so deep that as it emits from his body, it feels as though it shakes the ground beneath us.

Don't just stand there, do something.

Scarlette grabs my arm, pulling me back as I automatically go to stop the arm that flies out and wraps around Cam's throat, cutting off any more words.

"Death it seems would be your choice, then."

Do something, Elle.

I look to the two boys on either side of Cam for help but their heads are turned away from me, eyes downcast as they cringe back from the raw power oozing out of their Alpha. Lee seems to be too afraid to look up while Cole... Cole seems to be fighting with himself internally.

But no one was going to do anything.

I look to the girl holding me, her arms delicate but with an unyielding strength that comes from a place of protection. 

"You told me Trent would never hurt me," I bargain, frantic to find some chance at stopping this, "You said he could never-"

 "Trent couldn't Elle," she cries, "But his wolf doesn't think things through. It wouldn't even realise until it was too late."

Scarlette's words are apologetic and resigned, as though she's seen this before and already knows how it's going to end. 

Because it has happened before.

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