1: Salt and Pepper

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Whenever it is an official school day at Bridgewater High School, 27 year old Harry Styles starts his morning out the same way.

He wakes up, sits up at the edge of the bed and pushes his feet into his house shoes. As soon as he stands up, he stretches himself out as far as he can get without straining a muscle. He knows that stretching is good for his blood flow and that's important to him. Mainly because he knows that once his blood gets flowing, he has more energy to face his day.

After a ten minute shower with coconut bodywash and shampoo, he steps out and gives his hair a quick ruffle with a towel. His hair never gets fully dry. But that's okay. It's not like drying will tame his short curls any way. So he moves on to brushing his teeth and then getting dressed.

He is quite simple when it comes to his dress. He likes wearing collared faculty shirts and jeans because it's so much easier to get dressed when he never has to decide what to wear. Plus it demonstrates that he has school spirit. Although sometimes, he'll change up and wear khakis and a plain t-shirt that is one of the three main school colors. If he's feeling a little more adventurous that day.

After he gets dressed, he throws on a large, thick sweater and then heads to the kitchen where he gets an instant breakfast cup started in the microwave. Today's instant breakfast is oatmeal. While that's heating up, he waltzes to the refrigerator, takes out a small bottle of orange juice and then opens it up. But he doesn't drink from it. Rather, he makes his way over to a "flour" canister and removes the top.

Although it is a canister with the word "flour" on the outside of it, there is no actual flour inside it. Instead, Harry uses this canister to hide something of his. Something of which he removes four of, pops into his mouth and drinks down with a single gulp of orange juice.

Right on time, the microwave timer sounds, so he removes the steaming cup, grabs a fork from the silverware drawer and stands at the kitchen counter to eat it. He doesn't move until he finishes it. Once it's all gone, he throws away the empty cup and puts the fork in the sink.

Finally, he completes his morning routine by swapping his house shoes for sneakers, tossing his bag over his shoulder, snatching up his keys and phone and heading off to Bridgewater High School in his black SUV.

And that's it. The same routine. Every single morning. Like clockwork. So much so that he can almost run a clock against himself.

"To be organized is to be reliable." Is what he always says. Reliability is something he's come to appreciate more, now that he is an adult and frequently faces uncomfortable situations out of his control. And good thing too, because it's difficult to teach a classroom of twenty or more 9th to 12th graders every Monday through Friday without it.

Across the city from Harry's two bedroom cabin home lives twenty seven year old Zayn Malik in a more modern two bedroom home.

His morning routine is different from Harry's. Though he reports to the same school for work, he doesn't approach the day the same.

For example, he doesn't stretch as soon as he gets out of bed. He's too much of a zombie in the mornings for that. And he's usually so tired, his intended ten minute shower becomes fifteen or twenty. Which means he will have to rush everything else from here on out.

Zayn hates doing hair with a passion. It's too much work to have to keep it up every day. So he doesn't have much hair. He's just got a simple buzz cut that he gives a quick brush when it needs it.

Unlike Harry, he doesn't like casual wear to school. His dress code is more professional. Mostly because he's already covered in tattoos from neck to toe and if he wears a suit, he can cover most of them up. So a full suit with a dress shirt, tie and dress shoes with comfort soles is perfect for him.

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