14: Steak and Potatoes

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Harry didn't plan on it when he came home with Zayn on Friday, but he stays the entire weekend with the exception of going home to pick up an overnight bag, his attire for work and breakfast for Monday morning. It's the first time they have spent the night together, let alone an entire weekend.

When Harry wakes up Monday morning, Zayn is already awake.

"Oh. Good morning." Harry says.

"Good morning."

Harry looks surprised. "Whoa. You actually said good morning back. What a shock."

"That's because it really is a good morning."

"It is?"

"It is. Because I have a feeling today is going to be a good day."

"I hope so."

Harry stands up out of bed and then stretches big.

"Guess I'll go get in the shower then."

"Okay. I'll come join you in a minute."


When Harry disappears and Zayn hears the shower running, he looks over to Harry's side of the bed and smiles. He knows for a fact that today will be a good day. And soon Harry will know too.

Even though Zayn is a little drained from the emotional weekend he experienced, he gets out of bed and makes his way to the shower where Harry is inside and using the bodywash and shampoo he has for him. It's not quite coconut as he likes to use at home. But it will do. Smelling like Zayn isn't bad at all.

Unlike most people, seeing each other wet and naked doesn't spark sexual feelings. It doesn't get them excited or arroused. It is exactly what it is. Two people showering together and nothing more. And to be honest, it is really nice to have partners who aren't easily swayed by the sight of a naked body. How many people in the world can say that about their partner? How many more people would trust their partners if they could say that?

After ten minutes of shower time, Harry steps out onto the mat and leaves Zayn to finish alone. Then he takes advantage of his alone time in the mirror and quickly ruffles his hair with a towel and brushes his teeth.

Afterwards, he leaves the bathroom, gets dressed in his usual collared faculty shirt and jeans, and despite that spring has officially arrived a week ago, he throws on his large thick sweater. School campus is usually cold anyway so it shouldn't be too odd.

As he's wondering why Zayn's taking so long in the shower knowing he needs to be at work on time, he leaves the bedroom and heads to the kitchen to have his breakfast for the morning. Today's breakfast is instant oatmeal. So he gets that started in the microwave. While he waits, he retrieves his testosterone supplement pills from a pill holder he had put in the side of his overnight bag and takes the four remaining ones with a bottle of water he retrieves from the refrigerator since Zayn doesn't have orange juice.

By the time his oatmeal is ready and he's eating, Zayn comes into the kitchen dressed in the usual suit. But he's on the phone.

"Yes, absolutely..... of course. I can say for a certainty that this will work. You just have to do it exactly as I say..... Yes, I am aware of that. But I have it covered. Trust me."

Harry raises his brow and Zayn holds a finger up to him, telling him to be patient.

"Well..... I'm getting ready to leave now, but as soon as I get there, I'll meet you in your office and we will work out the details..... Yes. I'll see you when I get there..... Okay. Bye."

"You want to ask who that was?" Zayn asks.

"Nope. That's your business."

"Your boyfriend's business."

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