Author's Note

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Welcome One, Welcome All! 

Thank you for checking out my new story! 

I'm very excited for this one because I have been dying to tackle a steampunk-themed story for some time now. 

The whole idea started as it often happens to me, with a song:

I discovered the Seven Spires band last year, and their songs gave me tonnes of inspiration for my writing. I love this song because it's full of the longing of discovering the unknown and freedom and braving the dangers. It's the sort of thing that I always love in stories. 

So, the idea of the sailors braving unknown waters and worlds was sitting in the back of my mind for a while and morphing from a classic pirate tale to steampunk flying ships and sky pirates. Because, why not? :D 

And since I got invited to Wattpad Creators program, I thought it was the perfect time to bring this story to the daylight and give it life ^^ 

The absolutely amazing cover was made by extremely talented -DeeIsDead- Thank you so much again for this masterpiece! <3

I plan to post the prologue on Friday 05th of August, and then keep the weekly updates on Fridays. How will it work with holidays I'm not sure yet, but that's the initial plan. 

So stay tuned, and the adventure will begin in just a couple of days! o(*^@^*)o

Much love! 


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