Chapter 37 Us Against the World

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"What the hell, Celia?" Theo raised his goggles, smearing his face with soot, as he watched Zen drag a half-conscious stranger under the deck. Percy was brimming with activity as the engines rumbled in a low hum, and the crew ran to and fro, getting the ship ready to fly.

"I'm glad to see you too, Theo," Celia replied tiredly. Her shoulder still throbbed in pain, and she was exhausted, but she knew she couldn't rest until they got as far away from Iron Shore as possible.

Theo crossed his arms. "Don't think joking around will get you out of this. First, you treat us like dirt and say you don't need us, and then you're running back here with a government prisoner in tow, demanding we leave immediately. I think you owe us an explanation."

"Fine!" Celia raised her hands in defeat. "I know I screwed up, alright? I'll explain everything, I promise. First, when will we be ready for a takeoff?"

"About half an hour before we got enough heat to give the engines enough push."

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Let's hope it's fast enough. If you're done with all your pre-flight checks, come to my cabin, and get the others. I'll give you all a rundown of the situation."

Theo's mouth formed a thin line, but he nodded and moved towards the stairs leading under the deck, his metal clamps clunking on the wood in a steady rhythm that sounded comforting to Celia. She shouted orders for the crew to keep an eye on the docks to ensure they won't be surprised by palace guards or law enforcers team chasing after her. Once that was resolved, she jogged down the stairs and to her cabin.

Celia didn't have much time to prepare for another difficult conversation when, with a quick knock, the oldest and most loyal crew members entered the small room, which suddenly felt very crowded. She looked at them one by one, taking in their expectant and slightly reserved faces. Octavius, who usually kept to himself, but whose crafty fingers pulled them through so many challenging situations. Rhody, whose brightly painted lips were no match to her glowing enthusiasm and dependability. With her green eyes, Lyra knew precisely what Celia needed, a woman with many unique talents. With his cocky attitude, fast fingers and this ridiculous moustache, Abner never made her laugh. Zed... dear Zed, who was with her in the worst of times and saved her life countless times. Her eyes stopped on Theo, her first and most precious friend who never faltered and was unafraid to challenge her when she tried to do something stupid.

"I'm surprised you are all still here after how I treated you," she said through a lump in her throat.

"Well, you have a history of acting like a bitch sometimes, Boss. But you usually come around in the end," said Abner with a lopsided smile.

Celia snorted. "That I do." She rubbed her brow and sighed. "But you were right. All of you. I got so fixated on working with Gabriel, and exploring all the intel he had, that I lost sight of the big picture."

"So what exactly happened? Does it concern a gravely wounded prisoner from the New World you brought to our ship?" Theo asked, still looking at her from under furrowed brows.

Lyra perked up. "We have the prisoner here? Since when?"

"Since Zed dragged him here a moment ago. Also, he no longer has wings."

"What?" Most of the crew looked appalled. Even Zed seemed especially gloomy as he crossed his muscular arms.

Celia raised her hands to silence the flood of questions. "Let me explain what happened at the party and why we are running for our lives."

"Not again!" Abner moaned, but Lyra silenced him with an elbow jab to the ribs.

"You probably recall that this party was supposed to be crucial to our cause. Gabriel was preparing some great announcement to make the expedition to the New World a government-sanctioned and founded venture." Celia closed her mouth and shook her head. "Well, that didn't play out as I thought it would."

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