Chapter 20 Masquerade

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The elevator slowly made its way towards the highest levels of Iron Shore. Celia and Zed couldn't simply get the one from the port as it only went as far as the tenth tier of the city. Gabriel promised to wait there and to take them to a smaller contraption, the one far more guarded, leading to those most inaccessible parts of the city. Celia couldn't contain her excitement. She used to frequent some parties of lower nobility while working on one con or another, but to attend the banquet hosted by the governor himself was something she would never be able to pull alone.

The dress Celia was wearing was also far beyond anything she'd ever seen. Even though she played the role of noble more than once, it usually involved making moderately elegant clothes to look more expensive than they were. This dress, though, must have cost as much as Percy's repairs. The gown itself wasn't that extravagant─both corset and full, floor-length skirt were made of soft, black velvet and fit her figure as if they were made just for her. It was the additional parts that made it special.

On top of the regular corset, the gown included a mix of armour and fancy adornment. It was made of a thin sheet of gold, fitting closely around the corset and extending up to a high collar and down, covering the upper part of Celia's hips. As if intricately carved shapes of feathers were not fancy enough, there was also a line of black crystals running through the front and swerving to both sides of the high collar. Her shoulders were also covered by golden pauldrons shaped like feathers. The final touch was two gun holsters perfectly fitted and encrusted in gold. Gabriel also sent her a brand new pair of revolvers with handles encrusted with glistening jewels, but she chose to take her trusted guns with her. She would not bet her life on weapons she was unfamiliar with.

As the banquet was a masquerade, Celia was wearing a beautiful black mask encrusted with golden lines shaped to resemble the sharp features of a hawk or other predatory bird. And, to top all that, there was also a little, black-laced hat that was more a hairclip than anything else, but Celia found it hilarious it was a hat nonetheless.

She spent a lot of time staring at her reflection in the mirror before she left the inn. The dress fit her so well it was unbelievable. It was not made for some dainty, fragile noble lady who spent her days drinking tea and sharing gossip with her friends. It was a dress for a fighter─strong and uncompromising, perfect for her.

"We're almost there," Zed said and stood in front of her, facing the elevator doors. Of course, he was not as elaborately dressed, but no one expected that from the bodyguard. He wore his usual attire with a steel-reinforced leather jacket, though he made an effort and wore a white shirt that might even be called elegant in some circles. Lyra found him a very fitting black mask resembling a bear.

"You can relax for a bit, Zed. I don't expect any assassination attempt before we reach the party."

"With all due respect, boss, I know how to do my job," he grunted, giving her a sideglance. "You may relax all you want. I can only put down my guard when we are safely away from this wretched city."

"That is a fair point, I guess. The bright side is since my lovely dress is part armour, I'm far better protected from stabbing than I expected."

Zed scoffed. "This flimsy thing won't stop a bullet. Or a strong, precise stab."

"Maybe not, but it will slow the attackers down, as they will have to consider where to strike to kill me quickly. And that gives us plenty of time to react."

"I guess so."

Before he could say anything else, the elevator stopped abruptly, and the door opened. Celia could not see much from behind Zed's broad back, but he must have deemed it safe because he gave a swift nod and excited the contraption. Celia followed him, nodding to the Law Enforcement soldiers, who didn't ask for permission slips. Probably because right behind them stood Gabriel looking so stunning he almost took her breath away.

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