Chapter 26 Crazy in a Good Way

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Gabriel's 'not-entirely-official' wharf wasn't exactly hidden. Still, it also wasn't ostentatious, like some staple confederate harbours, brimming with heavily armed guards and where the official red flags flapped in your face wherever you turned to. The place was a reasonable distance away from Iron Shore. The city used to be larger, but with the sea level constantly rising, the wide radius was abandoned in favour of building up. The result brought up many abandoned metropolitan areas that succumbed to merciless waters. Some were still used partially for factories or warehouses that didn't need to be in the immediate city vicinity.

That's where Gabriel's base of operation was. As they approached in a small motorboat, it was hard to discern which buildings that rose barely above water level were abandoned and which might still be in use. Celia was looking around curiously, tapping her fingers impatiently on the railing. It was the step forward she had been waiting for. After all her failures and making up for them, she would finally start working on her dream.

Getting over those damn mountains.

Even though her acquaintance with Gabriel was brief, she felt she had known him for years. And she was sure that showing her this place was a sign of trust. It was also an invitation for her to return that trust. Percy was almost ready to fly again. Lordlring kept his promise and did not spare the resources to bring her back to her glorious state from before the disastrous meeting with Sky Guardians. And all this time, he didn't pressure Celia to hand out the secret that allowed them to take Percy to the sky.

The motorboat veered into a narrow space between two bulky warehouses and then toward the open mouth of a dark tunnel under another abandoned-looking factory.

Sharp claws pierced Celia's shoulder. „Dark! Dark, not good!" Sir Prancer shrieked to her ear.

She gently pried the trembling bird off her and hugged him to her chest, gently stroking his head. "It's ok, hun. It will only be seconds. I've got you."

"Will you hold my hand too, boss?" Abner grinned next to her. "I'm scared of the dark too!"

"Ask Lyra."

"She would rather bite my hand off."

"And here's your answer."

When they entered the tunnel, the darkness surrounded them only for a couple of seconds, and then they came out to the vast open space, and Celia's mouth opened wide. The derelict warehouses and factories at the front were only a cover, hiding a secluded harbour with five beautiful ships moored there. Those were not generic steel ships she saw when they first met. Each was a combination of state-of-the-art and the latest technology─a wonderful mix of wood and metal, with classic galleon shapes of old with steel reinforcement and additional adjustments like rear propellers and balloon ports to make the ships ready to fly.

"Holy mackerel," Theo gasped. "Loldring wasn't joking when he talked about flying ships fleet."

"He means business, all right." Lyra nodded. Her green eyes sparkled. "Makes you wonder what kind of wonders he hides inside those workshops."

"We'll find out soon enough," Celia announced and waved to Gabriel, who awaited them on the pier.

"Oh, I can't wait!" Lyra exclaimed and nudged Theo with her elbow. "Come on, Theo, why are you not excited? I bet they have all the latest tech here, and maybe they'll let us prod around a bit! I bet Celia can convince lordling to do anything, right, boss?"

Celia rolled her eyes. "Behave yourselves. And no stealing! Remember that we technically work for Gabriel now."

"Really? You think we would steal something in a secret government facility?" Abner asked, rolling his moustache and looking like a picture of innocence.

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