Chapter 35 Wrecking Chaos

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Celia took off her fancy dress and put on more comfortable attire─her trusted long leather boots, breeches, shirt and corset with many extra pockets, completed with her gun belt. She looked towards the bed, where Gabriel slept, his chest slowly rising and falling. I should have used poison, she thought, fastening her belt. Instead, she used the sleeping powder, which should keep him out for a few hours.

Weakling, said a voice in her head that sounded surprisingly like Lyn's. You can't leave your enemies behind you. He will come after you. Kill him while you have a chance.

Celia closed her eyes and took a deep breath while her mind raced. She knew it was a voice of reason. As Gabriel revealed the true extent of his plans, she couldn't stay at his side. She wasn't interested in war or power coups. Celia just wanted a way out and knew there was no escape for her in his vision of the future. She would make a fool out of him if she fled now when he'd just announced her vital role in his plan. Not to mention, she was planning to venture right into the enemy territory, holding intel that could change the tide of the upcoming conflict.

She gritted her teeth and pulled out her revolver, pointing it at Gabriel's chest. Killing him would solve everything. He wouldn't feel a thing. He would never wake up...

But her hand shook so badly that she would probably miss his heart even standing just a few feet away. Celia groaned and lowered her gun.

"Rust and starvation, you are such a coward!" She holstered her gun and checked a little bag at her belt. She had to make haste if she wasn't strong enough to get rid of Gabriel before he became a problem. There was much to be done, and she had to be far away from here before Gabriel woke up and tried to stop her.

She hesitated when she reached the door and turned towards the bed. Gabriel looked so peaceful while he slept. His blonde hair sprayed all over the pristine white pillow. He seemed almost angelic. In their short time together, she learnt all the lines and curves of his body and little quirks like a little birthmark on the inside of his left upper arm or that his right little finger had a slightly odd shape, even though he had never broken it. All those inconsequential things made him feel far too authentic and unique. For a moment, she let herself believe they were a perfect match. That she finally found someone who knew all her flaws and loved her anyway.

But the universe had a way of proving you wrong every time you thought you built something lasting. There was no such thing as pure love, strong enough to weather any storm. Humans were just foolish enough to cling to hope and refuse to acknowledge the reality until their life fell apart and nothing was left.

„Goodbye, Gabriel," Celia whispered and left the room.

She could still hear the party even this far away from the ballroom. It was a good sign, as it might be a while before anyone realised what she was doing and tried to stop her. Celia moved confidently towards the west wing, passing several servants running errands, but no one stopped her. She's been visiting the palace often enough that most staff already knew her. Her reputation also didn't encourage people to question her without a good reason.

As expected, the gallery was devoid of people. The candlelight reflected on brass, iron a golden part of various trinkets and machines. Even though Celia loved this place, she had no time to admire the exhibits. She opened a little bag at her belt and fished out a little metal ball, fitting snuggly into her hand.

"Time to wreck some chaos," she murmured, putting a breathing mask on her face.

Celia strolled down the hallway, and the guards at the stairs stood to attention when they spotted her. She didn't waste any time and threw the gas bomb, which exploded in green smoke right in front of the soldiers.

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