Chapter 21 The Bloodshedders

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„Celia! What─" Gabriel gasped, but she ignored him, focusing directly on the approaching man in a mouse mask.

When he realised what she was doing, he dropped the tray, which clattered on the stone floor with a loud clang and crash of breaking glass. People around him gasped in outrage as champagne and broken pieces splashed on their expensive dresses. But not many of them noticed the glint of a blade as the man dashed at Celia.

She almost pulled the trigger.

But before she did, the server crushed into a huge mass of muscles. Zed tackled the assailant from the right, breaking his stride and slamming him on the floor so hard Celia was pretty sure she heard a crack of a bone or two. As the man struggled to escape Zed's hold, people finally realised what had transpired, and outraged voices turned into fearful ones. The Governor must have noticed the commotion because he was already standing, motioning to his guards to check the situation.

"Woah, that went better than I expected," Gabriel said, running his hand through his hair. "I'm glad you're so vigilant. I think you can put down your weapons now."

"No," Celia replied curtly, her eyes narrowing as she scanned their surroundings. "It was far too easy. This guy is not a bloodshedder, just a decoy."

"What? You mean─"

Before he finished, the windows around them exploded.

Through the panicked shrieks and mass of people trying to escape the new danger, Celia counted three figures clad in dark armours with narrow blades in their hands.

"Now, these are bloodshedders," Celia pointed out, almost relieved that they finally revealed themselves. Fleeing people left her an opening, and she fired three shots at the closest assassin, but they dodged all bullets with cat-like grace. "Quick, get the people out of here!"

When the bloodshedders came for you, you would recognise them right away. They were all wearing tightly fitted black armours that were not only functional but also beautifully carved in intricate designs. Some said those were ancient runes bound to keep the wearer safe from threats like poison or bullets. Celia was pretty sure it was just another way to show off how well-paid the assassin's cartel was.

No one could see their faces or hair, as their head was covered entirely by the metal helmet with a fitted metal mask. It wasn't designed to resemble humans or animals, like the masquerade masks. It was triangular-shaped with narrow slits for visibility and many runes and spikes. It made them look even less human, which was probably the goal. When you requested their services, you didn't get to choose your assassin; they were all nameless and looked the same.

"Protect the Governor!" the guards roared, and a cordon of soldiers surrounded the most important officials while other guards rushed at the assailants.

As Gabriel was doing his best to herd a hysteric crowd of nobles out of the ballroom, Celia backed to the far end of the room, searching for a better defensive position. Bloodshedders were momentarily busy with the guards rushing at them, but their bloodied blades clearly indicated who had an advantage in this fight.

There was not much she could work with in here. The ballroom was spacious, without many obstructions. A couple of pillars supported the high ceiling, but that was it. Not the best place to hide from the pursuit, and the bloodshedders knew it.

"Hey, Boss!" Zed called her, and she rushed to his side. He already tipped one of the tables, leaving the mess of broken plates and fancy food littering the floor and put the table on its side, forming a barricade, covering one side. It was a flimsy barrier, yes, but it would slow the attackers down a bit. Bloodshedders didn't believe in guns for some reason. They always used good old blades. Celia wasn't sure if it was to respect some tradition or if they just liked getting close and personal with their prey. And nothing got you as close to the victim as getting their warm blood on your hands.

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