Chapter 17 Dreams Slipping Away

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"It was an utter disaster," Admiral Wolferstan said, pacing the Port Master's office.

Celia sat in an uncomfortable chair with her arms crossed and rolled her eyes. "Chief has been a boss of the largest cartel in Iron Shore for years. Did you expect that apprehending him would be that easy?"

The Admiral stepped toward the desk and smashed his fist at the desktop. "It was your rusting plan! I should have never sent my soldiers there. You knew it was a trap and three good people died because of you!"

Celia clenched her jaw and raised her chin. "I didn't know, but I considered that possibility. That's why I went in first and sent a message as soon as I discovered it was a trap indeed."

"You call that shrieking parrot a message?"

"Well, it does shriek pretty loud and is hard to ignore," Gabriel offered, sending Celia a small smile. He swivelled slowly back and forth behind the desk, his fingers tapping together in a steady rhythm. He looked relatively relaxed, considering they were discussing a spectacularly failed mission.

Wolferstan scoffed, glaring at the young noble. "That's what you get for working with scums and pirates!" He pointed an offending finger at Celia. "She promised us intel, but all she did was lead us into a trap. I will not let that happen again." He turned back to Gabriel, and there was a furious storm in his grey eyes. "I can't stop you from fraternising with pirates, my lord...."

"Privateers," Celia quipped in, but the admiral ignored her.

"But I will not support any of her endeavours. You want her to hunt pirates? Very well, but you're on your own."

"That's a very selfish attitude." Gabriel rubbed his chin. "We are all in this together, Admiral. Getting rid of the pirates is in Iron Shore's best interest. I'm sure my father will not be happy when he hears his admiral refuses to take pirates' threat seriously."

Wolferstan froze and narrowed his eyes; a pulsing vein on his forehead was the only sign of the fury that must have been raging inside him. "Do not try to play me, boy," he spat, his voice cold as steel. "I was an admiral when you were still in diapers. You think your empty threats scare me?"

"It was not a threat, dear Admiral," Gabriel replied in a friendly tone, his relaxed posture unphased by the angry outburst. "Merely an observation. Once Captain de Visher deals with the most notorious pirates, I won't fail to mention she did it without your support. I'm sure she already knows where Chief might have moved his base. Isn't that right, Captain the Visher?"

"Of course," Celia lied without batting an eye.

"You put too much hope in criminals," Wolferstan retorted and straightened his back, taking a deep calming breath. "Bring me results, and I might reconsider. But don't you dare waste my time like that again." He turned on his heel and marched towards the door, but before leaving, he looked over his shoulder. "And I'll make sure to mention in my report who was responsible for this spectacular failure."

Celia winced at the loud thud of slamming doors.

"Well, that went well," Gabriel sighed and massaged his temples. "I assume you have no idea where to find Chief."

"Not the slightest." Celia's shoulders slumped. "I grabbed some of the documents he left behind, but they didn't mean anything. I've never learnt if he had any backup hideout."

"That's inconvenient. I hoped I could introduce you to the governor with a bang. That would make our cooperation so much easier."

Celia smirked. "You need an excuse to work with me? Don't want to make daddy angry?"

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