Chapter 33 The Announcement

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Raised Cities Confederation Gala was the biggest and most opulent party Celia had ever seen. Looking at elegant horseless carriages and people in the most extravagant clothes and dripping with shiny jewellery, one could think their world is prospering. But this illusion was quickly dispelled with one look at the platforms below, hidden in a thick cloud of smog, with the orange light of still-running factories, full of people breaking their backs just to get food on their table.

Celia closed her fists to prevent her instinct to snap some tempting bracelet and watches from careless nobles.

"Are you all right? You look distracted," Gabriel said, squeezing her hand. He looked spectacular in his black tailcoat suit and the sky-blue shirt that brought out his brilliant eyes. If he felt any anxiety for this night, he hid it well.

"How can I not be distracted by this parade of peacocks?"

Gabriel laughed. "That's a strangely accurate description. I thought you've already got accustomed to the way nobles of Iron Shore like to show off."

"I might have gotten used to it, but it doesn't mean it would ever cease to amaze me how some people can dance at the edge of the collapsing world and pretend nothing bad is happening."

"Well, we can do nothing about it, right?" He paused and then grinned. "Oh wait, actually, there is. And we will do it tonight."

"And what is that?" Celia asked, playing along, pulled in by his charming smile.

"We will force them to open their eyes and accept the reality. We'll show them that while they have been caught up in their petty squabbles of who should own the last remaining resources, out there over the mountains is the whole new world that remains unclaimed."

"Are you sure you can convince them?" Celia asked and looked dubiously at a passing couple, followed by five servants who carried the long trains of their dresses. "We didn't get anything from our prisoner."

"It doesn't matter. The stranger alone is the proof we need to open nobles' minds to possibilities. Trust me. I've got this."

"Fine. If anyone can convince this bunch of rich hypocrites to do something, it's you."

Gabriel gave her that unique smile he only showed her and kissed her temple. "Thank you, my love. Now, shall we join the other guests on the dancefloor?"

Celia rolled her eyes. "Do we have to?"

He just smiled and pulled her behind him. Dancing with Gabriel was effortless. They fit perfectly together, and the way he led left Celia following him on instinct. It was also rare for them to be together without discussing another thing on their busy agenda. It was almost funny how easily Celia could relax in his arms and forget momentarily about all the pressing matters her brain constantly processed.

Unfortunately, it never lasted long enough. At such a big party, it was common to dance with other people as a sign of courtesy, as Gabriel explained to her, and they both were quite popular targets. He gave her an apologetic smile when an elderly lady pulled him away, and her partner kissed Celia's hand with old-fashioned gallantry.

Now came the hard part─dancing with people of different levels of skill and grace, smiling politely and running pointless conversation, accepting words of praise for her 'extraordinary work with those pirate scums' and pretending she cared about their rich people's troubles of regimentation of their favourite delicacies.

Celia plastered a polite smile and went through the motions while her mind was in a completely different place, replaying her recent scuffle with her crew. They constantly bickered, so it's not like it was something new, but there was something different this time. Theo seemed upset and concerned, and his lack of trust in her judgment hurt. Even though she thought they were overreacting, she had already regrated her parting words. Celia didn't mean any of that, and she knew all too well that without her crew, she would never get to where she was now.

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