Chapter 24 Chief

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The night was dark, and Celia couldn't see the moon or stars because thick smoke from the factories covered the sky. She adjusted the straps of her mask. This time she wore a full-face cover made of brass, with extensive round filters at the bottom and special adjustable goggles, which she could use as a miniature spyglass to get better visuals.

Celia rotated one of the sockets to take a closer look at the back entrance to the factory. Everything was quiet and still. They chose this part of the night because it was a prime time for smuggling activity, which meant that most of the Plunderers would be out working, leaving the hideout with fewer occupants.

Admiral Wolferstan took the governor's order seriously and did not spare resources for the operation he hoped would be the final one. Two massive warships blocked the docking bays, and four teams of Law Enforcers were surrounding the factory and getting the riot control bots ready for the assault. The small and inconspicuous machines were often used to defuse dangerous situations involving angry mobs. All you needed to do was steer the little guy into the throng and, once it was in a position, release heavy smoke that would disorient and force people to disperse. Of course, it could be loaded with any kind of toxin, including poisons, but Law Enforcers were not bad guys wanting to kill everyone. For most of the time, at least.

Celia pursed her lips under the mask. Once Wolferstan confirmed that the factory was indeed the Plunderers' base, he was so eager to get rid of it, he tried to push Celia and her crew off the operation. At her vigorous protests atmosphere got heated, but before she pulled a gun on the annoying admiral, Gabriel defused the situation. All sides agreed that while law enforcers would take control over the factory and the regular criminals, Celia and her small assault team would go directly after Chief.

A young officer ran up the plank to the command ship and saluted to admiral Wolferstan. "All teams are in position, and the bots are ready for deployment, sir."

The admiral nodded and gave Celia s stern look that lost most of its scorn, considering half of his face was covered with breathing apparatus. "Are you ready, privateer?"

"I was born ready."

Wolferstan turned back to his man and nodded. "Operation Rat Trap is a go. Deploy the bots and then the assault teams. Make sure no one escapes. We want them all prosecuted for their crimes."

The soldier saluted and ran back to his team, passing the orders to other officers.

"That's our cue. Let's go." Celia nodded to Abner and Lyra, who wore the same mask as she did. She smiled every time as Abner's hand rose to his face to touch his moustache but froze halfway through as he remembered he couldn't do that.

"Remember, privateer," the admiral called after her. "We want Chief alive."

Celia looked over her shoulder. "I see what I can do."

Truth be told, she wasn't sure if Chief would allow them to arrest himself. He might have been an old man who managed the whole cartel for the past few years, never really leaving his office, but he still was a harsh and cunning opponent. She expected him to put up a fierce fight. Secretly, she counted on it. For good and bad, Chief was a considerable part of her life, and even though she took Percy and escaped his clutches, she still felt his heavy shadow marring her life. It was time to end this, once and for all.

Her steps were confident when she marched down the gangplank onto the quay while first surprised shouts rang in the factory. A black cloak furled around her legs as she moved towards the south wall of the building, away from the entrance, while Abner and Lyra followed her closely. When she found a good spot, she stopped and looked upwards, studying the façade of the highest level of the factory.

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