Chapter 39 Welcome to the End of the World

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"We can't fly any faster," said Theo, looking over the railing towards a flotilla of ships slowly but steadily closing the gap between them.

Celia nodded. She knew that because when it came to Percy, she was aware of all her strengths and weaknesses. All improved weapons and other gadgets worked very well to protect the ship, but they also weighed loads, forcing the engines to work harder, burning more coal. They could try flying faster, but it would not be sustainable. They would never see the other side if they ran out of fuel while crossing the mountains.

She turned to look towards the Thundering Massive. Faithful to their name, the mountains were surrounded by thick dark clouds, with low rumbling thunders warding any intruders off. They were so close and, once again, still too far away to make it.

"We'll have to keep them at a distance until we reach the mountains."

Theo cocked his head. "And then what? Even if we somehow manage to keep five hostile ships at bay, what do you expect to happen? If the dragons come, we'll be between the hammer and the anvil. It will be─"

"─chaos? Yes, I'm counting on it. We can't fight those ships alone. But even though they are state of the art, we have one advantage over them."

"And that is?" Theo raised a brow.

Celia raised her hand towards the mountains. "We've been there several times already. We faced the Sky Guardians, and we survived." She turned back to face their pursuers. "Them? They might know all about the dragons and how to fight them. But knowing things and facing the monsters are two different things."

Theo rubbed his brow, looking at the ships with a frown. "I still don't like our chances here."

Celia smirked and nudged him with her elbow. "Hey, don't forget that surviving against all odds is my speciality. I'm Lady Luck's favourite, remember?"

"I do hope your luck won't run out today." Theo shook his head and then pulled her into a tight hug. "See you on the other side," he whispered, and before she could take a lungful of his familiar scent, he walked away.

Celia took a moment to compose herself. She didn't like that Theo's words sounded like a goodbye. The situation might be dire, but she still believed they had a chance to come out of this alive. A slight chance, yes, but it was still there.

"Everyone to the battle stations!" she bellowed. "Those ships will catch up with us soon. Don't let them get close. We want to keep them at a safe distance till we get close enough to the mountains."

"And then what?" Abner asked, loading his rifle.

"And then, let's hope that all hell breaks loose once dragons see so many intruders."

The crew members exchanged worried glances.

Celia clapped her hands to get everyone's attention. "Hey! I know it's not an ideal situation, alright? I would rather sail over those mountains without a tail too. But we can only play with a hand given to us. And you know what? Our hand is bloody amazing!" She walked across the deck, looking at all her crew members. "We are the first sky pirates! We claimed the skies, and this is our element now. Those soldiers pursuing us?" She waved her hands towards the ships that were almost upon them. "They are amateurs. They think they can board the flying ship, which'll be the same as sailing." She laughed. "They have no idea what's coming for them."

Celia stopped at the main mast and stroked the wood lovingly. "We've been flying together more than anyone else in this world. We've faced death enough times to make friends with them." She turned back to her crew and grinned. "We will show them what real flying pirates can do. Let's show them what the end of the world looks like!"

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