Chapter 38 Too Far Gone

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"Are you certain about it?" Lyra asked as Percy slowly sailed over a rocky outcrop hiding the tunnel and a secret bay where Gariel's research facility and wharf were. It was still dark, with a barely visible pale golden line on the eastern horizon, heralding a breaking dawn. The building complex was still illuminated despite the late or rather early hour.

"We don't have a choice, Lyra," Celia replied, her voice hard as steel. "We can't leave all those ships behind us because they will chase us. I can bet Gabriel got them outfitted with even better tech than Percy. There's no way we can escape them all."

Lyra's face was pale on the slowly swaying light of the oil lamps, her mouth drawn into a thin line. "What if there are still people aboard those ships? We worked with them, you know."

Celia looked at her friend, making sure her mask of indifference was intact. "Then let's hope Lady Luck keeps them away tonight."

Lyra opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it and only shook her head. "I'll check if the bombs are ready."

Celia nodded, but Lyra already had her back to her, walking away. Celia adjusted her captain hat on her head and tightened her grip on the helm. It was not a decision she made lightly. Bombing a defenceless wharf was not something good guys did. In the epic tales, they were honourable to the fault and, somehow, always succeeded against all odds. Celia smiled bitterly. Yes, her young self loved all those stories about gentlemen adventurers and a world of wonders. But she was not a child anymore.

The world was not as the books painted it. It was a cruel place when only the strongest and smartest survived, trampling weaklings on their way to the top. She might have pretended to change her ways and work under the Confederation flag, but the truth was, she was wicked through and through. She didn't want to change the world for the better as Gabriel did. All she ever wanted was to be free and for the world to leave her alone. She sacrificed so many things to reach this point that she could not give up now.

After all, what difference did a few more innocent lives on her conscience make? It would be all worth it if only she could break free.

As they slowly approached the designated position over the moored ships, Celia watched her crew scramble on the deck, ensuring everything was ready for a quick drop-off and escape manoeuvre. Below them, there was no sign of alarm. And why would there be? After all, they were allies, everyone knew Percy already, and they were always welcomed here, so no one expected any aggression from their side.

Celia closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. It was the only way, and she knew it, even if the tiny innocent part of her was screeching inside to turn back and leave. There was another reason she was doing this. Celia knew that Gabriel would try to stop her as soon as he woke. He would use this silver tongue of his to convince her to stay. He would spread his net of beautiful promises and perfectly aimed arguments to cloud her judgement again. Even though she would never admit it out loud, Celia knew she often lost her reason with him. It was so easy being with him, basking in his golden glow and feeling safe in his warm embrace. But if she had let that happen, she would wake up one day in different sorts of chains, not the physical ones. This moment, right now, was her last chance to escape.

She had to do something drastic. Something so terrible that even Gabriel wouldn't find a way to wash it away and pretend it didn't happen.

She had to make him her enemy to escape his influence once and for all.

"The bombs are ready for drop off, Boss," came distorted Zed's voice from the pipe leading to the gun deck. "Waiting for your order."

Celia adjusted the ship's position, making sure they were directly over the harbour below. She looked at the horizon, where the golden line turned bloody red.

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