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3rd Birthday Party

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3rd Birthday Party...

I run towards the swing, picking the right one because it's my favourite. I turn three today! I'm becoming such a big boy as mommy and daddy like to tell me. I even got a big boy bed this morning, a dinosaur one and I can't wait to sleep tonight.

My legs kick back and forth as I attempt to move the swing I'm on. "How you do it?" I ask.

He giggles swinging his legs at the same time and rising quiet high, "You just push your legs silly."

I frown trying to copy him, he looks just like me but with mommy's chocolate eyes. I grin when the swing begins to move, I laugh, "I doing it, Milo."

He smiles but he seems sad. So I ask him if he is okay. He nods but doesn't say anything else instead moving his head as if looking for someone.

"Mommy?" I ask.

"Yes." He nods.

"She inside. Upset because she misses you." I mumble slowing the swing down until we have both come to a light sway.

"Don't mean to upset her." He frowns hanging his head.

Just then she walks out of the kitchen with daddy behind her, he always cheers her up its amazing. I think back to my wish and turn my head to look at Milo. He watches mommy, his eyes tracing her every movement and he smiles when she laughs.

I sniffle, "You were my wish."

"I know. It's why I am here." He turns to look at me, we have the same hair. I almost giggle because it's like looking into a mirror of myself but I am looking into mommy's eyes.

"Really?" I question. It's weird because I know he is here, yet I can't hug him. "Thank you playing with me."

He laughs quietly, "You ask me to play Lucas. I will be here."

"I miss you." I admit looking around to make sure no one is listening. I don't tell mommy because it will make her sad. I don't want her to be sad.

"I miss you more. I wish I was with you." Holding his hands together his shoulders slump down. I feel sad now knowing that he is upset. I didn't mean to make him feel sad.

"See who higher?" I ask.

He smiles and nods his head and we both then try to swing as high as our little legs will take us. I laugh with him as time passes. We play all afternoon, he helps me find the dinosuars in the dinosaur hunt.

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