Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Double update since chapter ten was so short. Also, this starts the chapters from last summer (cheering in background). Unless noted, the chapters that follow will also be from *Last summer*. Enjoy!! 

*Last summer*


My phone vibrated for the hundredth time since leaving Surf City. I didn't have to look at the screen to know who it was- Benji. He'd been blowing up my phone since I dumped him and kicked him out a few weeks ago after finding out he'd been cheating on me with one of his groupies.

The first few days after the breakup, everything was quiet. He seemed to give zero fucks that I dumped him, claiming it was all part of the rockstar lifestyle.

Psh, fuck that!

I was supportive of Benji and his band. I stayed with him when things were tough and took on the burden of our shared bills all by myself when he wasn't getting called to do paid gigs. I encouraged him to keep at it since it was his dream, even going so far as uprooting my whole life to move three hours away from my family and friends because the band had better opportunities on the coast.

Those opportunities turned out to be a larger base of groupies, willing and ready to jump into bed with everyone in the band, especially the lead singer- Benji. I threw away two years of my life with him because I fell for his charm.

I was pissed and sick to my stomach. As soon as I found out what he'd done, I got myself checked. Lucky for me, my STD panel came back squeaky clean. Thank God!

I'd resigned myself to taking the next two weeks away with my friends to forget all about Benji and the time I'd wasted on him. By the time this vacation was over, it would be like he never existed.

My phone vibrated in my cupholder- again. With a frustrated sigh, I quickly peeked at the messages once I stopped at the next light. I rolled my eyes at text after text from Benji. They were mainly along the lines of I'm so sorry, it'll never happen again, please talk to me, and I miss you.

I couldn't help the laugh that exploded from my mouth. I guess things started going south with his gaggle of groupies. Serves him right!

As the light turned green, I tossed my phone on the floorboard, uninterested in the million ways Benji would say he was sorry while draining my battery.

Just a few more minutes, and I'll be back home, stacking my things into the back of Charlotte's Tahoe so we can jet off to the lake.

I was more than ready for it. After the whole Benji fiasco, I needed a few weeks away to relax and be with my friends. Originally, he was going to come with me, but no way in hell was that happening now.

As I made my last turn toward my brother's house, I spotted some of my favorite people gathering in the driveway. My bad mood was instantly gone. Charlotte and Leah were the first to see me pull up, smiling widely as I parked my car along the curb.

Before the engine was off, they were outside my door, bouncing excitedly at my arrival. The second my foot hit the pavement; I was sandwiched between them in a tight embrace.

"I'm so happy you're finally here," Charlotte squealed. "This summer is going to be incredible! I can feel it!"

I laughed when Leah added, "That's right! And we're going to find you a hottie at the lake to help you forget all about Benji."

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