Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Hey, you guys coming? We need to start getting ready if we're going to make it to the concert on time." Jason's voice breaks me out of my daze.

Shit, what am I gonna say about staying home that won't send up red flags right away?

"Uh, actually, I think I'm gonna stay in tonight. I'm not really feeling very well." I try to look sick as I softly rub my stomach, hoping my pitiful lie isn't insanely easy to see through.

Big brother mode activates, and a frown forms on Jason's face. "Are you gonna be okay, Tess? Did you have too much to drink? Do you need someone to keep an eye on you?"

I think I hear angels singing. Thank you, big brother! You've just given Levi the perfect excuse to stay behind tonight!

As if on cue, Levi clears his throat. "I'll stay here with her. Make sure she's okay, man. You guys go ahead and have fun."

I try not to grin as things fall into place. Tonight Levi and I will have the whole place to ourselves, and he already has a romantic evening planned.

Jason eyes Levi and me suspiciously after Levi's offer. I'm pretty sure he's on to us, but if I'm right, he won't say anything. Before he replies, I swear I see a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth, almost like he's holding back a smile.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan. I hope you feel better soon, Tess." Jason shoots Levi a strange look before turning back toward the house.

As he pulls Charlotte under his arm, she smiles my way excitedly. I force a neutral expression, rubbing my stomach again. Char bites back a giggle as she and my brother disappear into the house, followed by Landon, whose arm is around Leah.

I don't know what's going on with those two. They bicker like an old married couple, then flirt incessantly two minutes later. I'll have to ask her about it sometime.

Just before they get inside, Leah turns my way and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Well, that's two- possibly three- people in our corner. Landon's still oblivious, but that's probably for the best. Lord knows he'd just tease us about it until Leah found a way to distract him.

A shadow catches my attention; in it, I see Colin whispering something to Micah. When he sees me watching, he smirks. "You two don't have too much fun tonight," he teases, pulling Micah toward the door.

"Oh, and I'm sure the concert will go pretty late. Just an FYI." Colin pulls his lips into his mouth, trying to suppress a gigantic grin.

Leave it to him to call us out. At least he's being supportive.

Micah at least tries to play along with my and Levi's act. He shoots me an apologetic wince- no doubt for Colin's comment- before saying, "I hope you feel better, Tessa. Levi, take good care of her."

A few minutes later, everyone disappeared inside to get ready, leaving Levi and me alone once again. I feel the heat easing into my cheeks as I chance a look at him. His eyes are already boring into me like molten lava.

"So, looks like we have the place all to ourselves tonight, Tess."

"Yeah, we sure do," I reply breathily.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

It's getting hotter out here. Is this what hot flashes feel like? Damn! I swallow the dry lump in my throat, hoping my next words don't sound as desperate and needy as I'm starting to feel.

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