Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Last summer*


The first few days of vacation flew by. We had a fully stocked kitchen, a gorgeous view, and not a care in the world. This was our own private slice of paradise.

The eight of us spent most of our first days out by the lake, cruising around on the boat, floating on the water, and soaking up the summer rays. It was glorious.

Up until today, the weather had cooperated. When we all woke up this morning, it was dark and cloudy outside, putting a damper on our plan to take the boat out again. Instead, we'd have to hunker down inside and entertain ourselves. I was A-okay with that.

It meant putting myself in closer proximity to Tessa for an entire rainy day. Sure, we'd been hanging out with everyone since we got here, but being forced inside for the day would mean we'd be tucked closer together. It would feel more intimate in closed quarters than it did out in the open.

I smiled at the thought of cozying up with her on the couch as the rain pelted the windows. We'd snuggle up in the corner of the sofa, watching movies, laughing, and joking as the day passed. I'd eventually muster the courage to put my arm around her and pull her close, so she could lean on my chest when her eyes finally grew tired.

It was a dream that I could make a reality. Scratch that- it was a dream that I would make a reality. This was the summer I'd make my move. Our stars have finally aligned, and this summer, I will get my girl.

Thunder rumbled outside as I hopped out of bed, excited to see what the day would bring. I heard voices in the kitchen as I made my way downstairs. Immediately, I could smell the savory aroma of bacon. Someone was making breakfast.

As I got closer, the smells only intensified, making my mouth water. I saw our chefs dancing around the kitchen as I leaned my bare shoulder against the entryway. Tessa, Micah, and Jason were quietly preparing a breakfast feast for everyone.

I watched as they piled plates full of eggs, meat, fruit, and pancakes. I was suddenly starving, and everything smelled amazing, but the food wasn't what held my focus. Tessa was.

Micah said something quietly to her and Jason, making her laugh as she pulled cartons of juice from the fridge. She looked beautiful, standing there smiling in her tank top and sleeping shorts with her hair piled on her head in a messy bun.

That was the Tessa I'd always known and loved- the easy-going, kind, girl-next-door. I could see her like this a million times and still be blown away by her beauty. She's a knockout even without a single drop of makeup. Tessa somehow gets more breathtaking each year, making me fall a little harder for her with every passing summer.

I'm still standing at my post when I hear feet shuffling behind me. I turn to find a yawning Colin approaching, followed by the rest of our friends.

"Mmmm, something smells amazing," Leah coos as she walks past me, taking a seat at the table.

"You got that right. I'm starving," Landon adds, sitting across from her.

Jason chuckles as he starts setting plates around the table. "Glad you could all join us. We figured since we're probably stuck inside all day that we should start out on a high note."

As Charlotte makes her way to the kitchen, Jason pulls her into a loving hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning, love," she tells him, smiling into his chest.

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