Chapter Forty-Nine

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My mind was blank and my heart was sinking. Could this really be the end? Is this how our story goes?

No. I refuse to accept that.

I just need her to talk to me. But how?

A throat cleared behind me. When I turned to face the intruder, the details of Jason's plan started to resurface.

Colin smirked as he gestured toward the door. "May I?"

Charlotte was right behind him. She, Jason, and Colin came with me to carry out this plan. If it weren't for other obligations, Leah, Landon, and Micah would have joined us, too, I'm sure.

With a nod, I moved out of their way. Colin tapped on the door. "Tessa! It's me. Open the door."

Moments later, she peeked through the small opening she'd made, looking at her friends. Colin looked at me again before disappearing inside with Charlotte.

The smile he gave me before the door closed was concerning. It had me questioning the entire plan. Colin promised Jason he would come to help- for Tessa's sake- but what if he hated me so much that he chose to sabotage me instead?

Charlotte seemed to be on my side, wanting Tessa and me to work things out. But what if Colin convinced her to band against me?

The thought made my stomach churn. It's no secret that he's got Tessa's back, but what if he's decided I'm not good enough for her? Would he turn her against me even more? Is that even possible?

A hand on my shoulder jolts me out of my thoughts. I turn to see Jason standing beside me. "Give them some time."

I nod, taking a few steps to the end of Tessa's porch. Jason joins me as I sit down on the steps, praying for a miracle. "I'm sorry, man. If I had just listened to you last summer, none of us would be in this mess," I tell him.

"Yeah, you're probably right, but we're here now, and you have a chance to fix things, to make it right."

"Do you really think this will work? She seemed pretty set on hating me a few minutes ago. Not that I can blame her."

Jason looked at me, then back at Tessa's door. "She's almost as stubborn as you."

I let out a sad huff as he continued, "But I mean what I said before."

Our eyes met. "I think she still cares for you, Levi. Probably more than she should after the shit you pulled."

His words stung, but I knew I deserved them. "But I can see how much you love her. You wouldn't be such a mess over everything if you didn't. That's why we're here to help you- both of you. If you can show her how much you still care, then I think you two might stand a chance."

"Thanks, man."

Jason nodded. "Any time."

After that, we sat in silence, waiting to see if anyone would come outside. As the minutes ticked by, my anxiety rose. After half an hour, I started to worry that I'd never get my chance to speak with Tessa.

Fifteen minutes later, a knot was forming in my stomach. Please, just let her see me. I need to make things right. My heart was aching. This couldn't be the way our story ended. I couldn't give up without a fight.

I stood up, determined to make my stand. I had to try. Giving up wasn't an option, even if it meant standing outside her door all night, spilling my heart to a slab of solid oak. Tessa would know how I felt one way or another.

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