Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke Saturday feeling heavy. My mind was running a thousand miles a minute, and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night with Levi. He looked so feral when he closed me in against the wall. Those blue eyes burned with a passion I missed so much.

When he started to lean in, I felt my heart skip. I wasn't going to stop him. At that moment, not a single part of me wanted to. I yearned to feel his lips against mine, to feel his hands pulling me close as we reunited.

I wanted it so badly that I dreamt of it. Levi and I were alone, lying naked on my bed as the moonlight danced on our skin. We took our time exploring one another again, touching, kissing, and caressing until the early morning light reminded us that we hadn't slept. It felt so real.

It could have been.

Last night I almost went to him. I almost knocked on his door, hoping he'd be interested in picking up where we left off downstairs. When I got halfway down the hall, my senses kicked in, and I corrected my course to the guest room.

Levi has always been attractive, but he was damn near irresistible last night. I'm shocked I didn't pounce on him when he backed me against the wall. Sure, he's infuriating, and he's hurt me before, but when he told me I was always his problem and growled my name...

The rational parts of my brain shut down, leaving only the primal instincts intact. Those parts of me knew how good he would feel. Those parts wanted to feel that way again. Damn the consequences.

I don't know why I'm like this with him. If Benji or any of my other exes tried that shit, I would have kneed them in the groin and never looked back. They could show up at my doorstep with a dozen roses and diamond jewelry, and I'd still turn them away for what they did. But Levi goes all caveman and starts growling, and I turn into putty.

It's fucked up, I know. He hurt me more than anyone ever had, and I still melt for him when he gets too close. Maybe it's just my hormones talking. It has been a while since I've been with anyone...

Yeah, that's got to be it. I just have an itch to scratch.

A sexy, irritating, Levi-sized itch...

I shake my head free of my invading thoughts. What the fuck is wrong with me? Did I seriously just think that?

There is no way in hell that is happening again.

Even though he was so good at it...

Damn it! No! Stop it, Tessa!

Get your shit together!

I try to reign myself in, reminding myself why he's so good at it. He's had loads of practice. Probably with hundreds of women.

Yep, that'll do it.

Suddenly, I'm no longer daydreaming of Levi taking me back to bed. Instead, I'm envisioning myself pushing him down a flight of stairs. I can't believe I almost let him in again. The bastard!

I collect my things and head for the bathroom, fuming about Levi and his hoard of whores. With arms full of clothes and a fresh towel, I stalk down the hall, lost in thought. It doesn't even register to me that the bathroom light is on until I stand at the door.

The moment my feet stop propelling me forward, the door swings open. A millisecond later, Levi and I tumble to the ground.

"Shit, Tessa! I'm sorry, I swear I didn't see you there," he apologizes as he helps me gather my things from the floor.

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