Chapter Thirteen

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The closer we get to the lake, the easier it feels to breathe. Since hopping in the car, I haven't given a second thought to Benji or his bullshit. That is probably because Charlotte and Leah commandeered my phone and blocked and deleted his contact info within the first five minutes of the trip.

After the first Benji notification, Leah snagged my phone and rambled off a few choice words after seeing the name that had popped up on the screen. She and Charlotte shared a look and almost immediately eradicated my ex from the cell, saving not only my sanity but my battery as well.

I didn't put up a fight.

To be honest, I'm not sure why I hadn't done it myself sooner. After that, I let all thoughts of him and what he'd done float into space. This vacation was going to be a Benji-free zone. I could already feel the healing effects hitting me as my friends reminded me what it felt like to be back home again.

We laughed and talked the entire hour and a half it took to reach the lake house, reminiscing about old times and planning all the things we would do this summer. As familiar markers appeared, the energy inside the Tahoe grew more excited, and I felt utterly free. We were almost there, almost to my favorite place on earth.

I could feel it in the air; something about this summer would be different. It was going to be our most memorable vacation yet.

"I can see the dock!" Leah's voice carried through the car.

My excitement mounted as I looked out the window and caught my first glimpse of the lake, nestled inside a bank of mature trees, hiding our little piece of paradise from the prying eyes of summer tourists. I took a deep breath as I looked out over the water, the rays of the sun reflecting off the surface, giving the scene a picturesque appearance.

This is my happy place.

I couldn't wait to park the car and jump into this vacation. I'd waited an entire year to make it back here; I wasn't about to waste a second of the time I had.

As Micah steered us down the long driveway that led to the house, I watched out the window, taking in the view. The road was lined with gorgeous oak, maple, and pine trees, extending all the way down to the water. Out here, our nearest neighbor is at least half a mile away. It's almost like we have this little section of the lake all to ourselves.

Memories from the last several years start coming back to me as we approach the house. The first time we came here, Leah, Charlotte, and I ditched our phones and luggage and ran straight for the dock, jumping into the lake fully clothed.

The guys got a kick out of it and joined us shortly after. We spent most of that first night out there, floating on the water, soaking up the peace and quiet.

We've all grown up a bit since our first time here, and so much has changed. Yet, it somehow still feels the same as it did that first year.

There is something notably different in the air this summer, though. It's like an electric current floating through the trees, buzzing around us, making us aware that this summer will be more exciting than the last.

Charlotte bumps my arm, making me turn her way. I can see by the smile she's wearing; she can feel it too. Something good is coming our way this year. And I can't wait to find out what that something is.

The car slows to a stop, and my pulse quickens. "We're heeere," Micah chimes from the driver's seat.

A chorus of excited cheers erupts from the back seat as we all spill out of the Tahoe, more than ready to get this vacation going. Our lively chatter echoes through the trees around us as we take our first breaths of fresh air.

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