Chapter Twenty-Four

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Our first week at the lake house was over far too soon. It seemed like only yesterday that we arrived. Now, our vacation is already half over. I can hardly believe it.

Every day has been incredible so far. I haven't thought about Benji once, and things between Levi and me are evolving quickly. Since our first day here, it seems as though we've settled into a new groove- a sexy, flirty, I like you, and you like me kind of groove.

Levi is never very far when we go out as a group or hang out at the house. And nine times out of ten, if I look up at him, he's already watching me. It's like this new hyperawareness has awoken inside me- like my body can sense when he's near. And she is one thirsty bitch.

The morning of the storm, when he came downstairs wearing no shirt, she definitely lit up inside like a firecracker. Every fiber of my being ached for him, making it incredibly difficult to tear my eyes away from his toned pecs and muscular abs. He was a treat that my body wanted to devour.

That may have been what fueled my dramatics while I savored every bite of breakfast that day. I noticed him watching me as we sat down. So, I decided to have some fun, moaning my approval with nearly every bite of those delicious pancakes.

Levi heard, oh yes, he heard, and he watched like a hawk as I finished my plate, tensing up with each sound I made. I knew by his reaction that he liked what he saw and heard. I just couldn't help myself. Levi brings out my innermost sex kitten.

Things between us further heated up when everyone piled on the couch to watch rainy-day movies. As Levi tickled me, I squirmed onto his lap. When he let up, I decided to stay right where I was, enjoying the feel of his body under mine.

As the days passed, he seemed to grow more confident with his actions, making bolder moves toward me. Take yesterday, for instance.


Everyone was out enjoying the warmth of the summer sun out on the lake. Leah, Char, and I had pulled out some floaties so we could tan on the water. The boys were taking turns doing flips off the dock not far away.

After about twenty minutes, things got quiet. I lifted my head to see what the boys were up to when suddenly, my float was overturned. My bikini-clad body splashed ungracefully into the lake as I let out a startled cry.

When I emerged from the water, I found Levi grinning wildly at me on the opposite side of my inflatable bed. He thought he was cute.

Okay, he was totally cute, but I wasn't going to let him get away with that so easily.

I charged at him through the water, wrapping my arms and legs around his back in a vice grip as he tried to get away. When I had him right where I wanted him, I dunked him mercilessly as payback. Our friends watched in amusement as we battled it out, laughing and egging us on.

We went back and forth for a while, dunking and splashing one another until we finally agreed on a truce. By that time, he'd managed to pull me into a tight hold, pressing our chests together as he backed us against one of the legs of the dock, out of view of everyone.

I could feel his labored breath against my face as his eyes scanned my face and chest. He flashed me a smile that I felt down to my core as his hands skimmed the exposed surface of my thighs. "You look good, Tess."

My legs pulled harder around him, pressing us closer together. I remember whimpering as I felt his bulge against my center. "You think so?" I answered, my voice barely above a whisper.

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