Chapter Twenty-Five

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Tessa was rolling her hips to the music as everyone gathered around our table at the lake's best dive bar. It became our watering hole each year we returned, partly because it's so close to the house and partly because we get discounted drinks thanks to Leah's cousin, Missy, who tends the bar there.

I was on drink number three as I turned my attention from the discussion between Landon and Micah about which team in the NHL had the best lineup this year to the woman who starred in my dreams almost every night. She wasn't alone on the floor now; Leah and Charlotte had joined her, letting loose and dancing to the music like no one was watching.

It was a great night. I could feel it; something big was going to happen. The cool glass of my beer bottle met my lips as I scanned Tessa's body, slowly memorizing the way her hips swayed and her eyes closed as she fell deeper into the rhythm of the music. She was a knockout, and she had me absolutely enchanted.

My mouth twitched as I thought about everything I admired about her. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also intelligent, bold, and sassy. She loved her friends and family so deeply, and she always seemed to find a way to make everyone around her smile.

She was fucking perfect.

And I was hopelessly in love with her.

I think I always have been, but I was always too worried to mess things up by making a big move. We grew up together, we studied together, and we became good friends over the years. For all those reasons, I was too chicken shit to tell her how I felt, too worried my confession would wreck everything.

That changes this week.

I planned everything out. Tomorrow I'm going to make my big move. I'm going to tell her how I feel over a romantic picnic by the water under the stars. There will be candles, wine, and the soft sound of the waves crashing next to us. I'll hold her in my arms and pour my heart out as I look deep into her emerald eyes.

I can't wait!

Tessa catches my eyes, and a sweet smile curves on her luscious pink lips. My grin widens as I look at her. It's like we're the only two people in this place- just me and Tessa. And all feels right in the world.

A strong arm pulls me to the side, and I hear Landon in my ear. "So, you gonna go out there and dance with her, or are you gonna stay here and keep drooling?"

I shove him away, making him laugh. My glare is only half-hearted as I stand, taking another swig of my beer. I shoot Landon a cocky look before flipping him off and heading to the dancefloor.

Our little bar is more packed than usual with tourists looking for a good time. I ease through the crowd, coming to a stop directly behind Tessa. She looks over her shoulder when I place my hands on her waist, smiling when she sees me.

"Thought you could use a dance partner," I tell her. My lips graze her ear as the words leave my mouth.

Tessa pushes closer to me as the beat picks up. "As long as it's you, I'm happy, Levi."

Her words warm my heart as she grinds against me, getting lost in the music. I bring my hands to rest against her stomach, needing to feel as close to her as I can.

"You are so amazing, Tessa," I whisper, wishing we were alone somewhere.

Tessa grips my arms tightly, letting her head fall against my shoulder. Her easy smile tells me she's enjoying this as much as I am. Feeling brave, I lean in, kissing her temple softly as I deeply inhale her scent.

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