The world really is a horrible place

28 7 77

T.W - tried sexual assault

I wake up in shackles.

It was mostly my fault. I suppose.

I lost control. Shouldn't have. Not yet.

Worthless piece of shit, I say to my own brain for the tenth time since I woke up.

    The door opens and a very angry and very expressive Lucas and a very angry and controlled Azrael step in.

"The lunatic won't budge." Lucas says, sitting down beside me, eating my breakfast that I didn't even touch.

"It's okay it's not my first time." I say, trying to reassure them when I don't know if I am gonna be able to reassure myself.

Azrael eyes snap up towards me as he sits himself down on the bed, his hand on my thigh. 

"Yeah. But what kind of monster chains his own daughter to her bed and turns her room into a fucking prison, and puts this— holy shit are those.. inside your skin?"

I look down an my forearms.

   The otherwise intricate twisted bracelet spins around my entire arm, the two ends seeping into my flesh.

"Yeah. It's to stop me from using my magic."

"What the fuck?"


Welcome to my life! It's terrible!

If I use my magic while I am wearing this...well, it's not gonna kill me but it's going to hurt me enough to wish I was dead.

Not that I don't already wish for that on birthdays. Lol.

    Azrael cups my chin and leaves a feather light kiss on my lips before climbing out of bed.

"Ok. Essie, I know you're probably gonna hate us for this plan."  Lucas begins.

"I hate you already." I shrug.

"I know, sister. But give thy beautiful brother a chance."

"What's the plan?" I roll my eyes.

"Well...we figured that the only person who'll be able to get you out of here is...well, you're mother. And..."

I tune out the rest.

    My mind goes back to that voice in my head from a few days ago.

I have to believe it. Right?

That voice, which sounded awfully like my father, specifically asked me to run away and find my mother.

And if they can find my mother, she still must be powerful enough to get me the fuck out of this place.

I can't stay here anymore. Even if that means asking help from that bitch.

"Sooooo? What do you think of the plan? Am I literally not a genius?" Lucas asks, his leg propped up on my bed and hands on his hips.

"Yeah. Go ahead."


"Hello there, princess," A man walks in.

What the actual fuck?


"How may I help you?" I ask, boredom dripping from every word.

"There's a rumor going 'round the palace that you're on drugs."


A reporter maybe?

"Not that it's any of you business but they are painkillers." I took drugs once, would not recommend them. Drugs are bad.

"I'll be quick, you beautiful drugged girl that's died to her bed."

Blood thumps behind my eyes as I turn alert.

As much as I can be on no food, no sleep and like borderline lethal dose of painkillers. 

"You do realize that just because I am tied down does not mean I won't break your face if you do as much as come near me, right?" I put up as strong a front as I can with y head spinning. 

"Fiesty. We'll have to work on that."

That strikes a nerve.

"Really? Work on it? I am god. Gods don't need to work on shit."

He smirks as the door closes.

How the hell do you fight when there's a metal bracelet digging into your flesh? We'll have to figure it out.

"Don't worry, darling. I am not gonna do anything to you. Not here at least."

He comes closer as I move away. Try to, rather.

A million thoughts race my mind.

Maybe if I suck up the pain on my legs then I could kick his groin?

No that won't work.

What if—

He grabs the back of my head and with his other arm, presses a white cloth to my nose.


                    how di-


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