cool cool cool cool cool

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Azrael's hand snakes down my back, pulling down the strap of my bra, as he breathes out on my neck.

I tilt my head to give him more space to do whatever he's doing.

Today was a rough day. With Ocean gone, Luke emotionally unstable, Azrael busy with the wounded, the pressure is completely on me.

There is so much that's still unsolved. The portal, the bombing, and most importantly, Ocean's kidnapping.

What could they possibly want from her?

Nothing. They want something from me.

And that guilt is eating me up.

"You're not paying attention, love."

Azrael untangles himself from me, not letting go of my hand before saying, "What's on your mind?"

"What if..what if they kill Ocean?"

"We both know they won't destroy the only leverage they have over you. You're the one who said that."

I know that. But I have a feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong.

What if I can't fix it? Who am I if I can't fix it?



I straighten my back, climbing onto his lap, my legs on either side of him.

I cup his chin, making him look up at me.

His eyes visibly softens as I lean closer.

"You have my undivided attention now."

I know it's probably selfish to be doing all of this while Lucas craves to know if Ocean is even alive but I need this right now.

I cross my legs behind his back, "You're my hostage now. Muhaha."

He leans his against my collar bone, letting out a low chuckle.

He tucks a stand of my hair behind my ear as he eyes travel down my face, neck, chest. His hand traces circles down my back and for a minute, everything's fine.

"Turn around."

I furrow my eyebrows. Ass guy?

"Not what you think. Just turn around, please."

I unwrap my legs from behind his back and face the other way.

"I felt this earlier. How did this happen?"


He pulls down my pants just an inch and then I remember what he's talking about.

"It's nothing. It's almost healed now anyway."


I sigh. "Kayan had one of his episodes. A few months back. And there was a sword close to him. I didn't do anything. I don't know why he took it out on me but...yeah. Don't worry, I fought back."

I try to get a laugh out of me so he doesn't hear me sob.

"I am sorry." He says.

"Why? It's not your fault I have a jackass for a father."

"No I just...I don't know what else to say."

I lean back on his chest as he wraps his arms around my stomach.

"How many scars do you have?"

" I don't know to be honest."

"God, you're so strong. But you don't have to me, not with me. It's okay to be weak with me, Essie."

I look up at him. And I realise I have never met someone so... genuine.

Lucas and's our job to be deceiving. And Ocean, poor girl suppresses her laughter just in case her ex- husband hears her.

But this man. He's so fiercely him. That's one of my favourite things about him. He knows what he is, what he wants to be.

I reached up for his neck, and his grip tightens on my waist.

Our lips have barely touched when the door slams open.

I quickly untangle myself and turn around to see Lucas.

He blinks at us as I grab my jacket and throw it over my shoulders.

Clearing his throat, he says, "Sorry to interrupt. But you guys need to see this."

Azrael climbs out of bed and buttons his shirt back up as we walk out of my bedroom.

"All good?" I ask Lucas.

"Your mom's missing and..."


"Your father's back."


My father's on the floor, a huge wound on his back, ripping his shirt in half.

His eyes are closed as I press my fingers to the side of his neck.

"Low pulse," I announce, wondering how that's possible. He can't die. Not by normal ways.

"What do we do, your majesty?" One of the guards ask.

Help me, Essie.

That goddamn voice in my head screams.

"Take him to the med wing, station two guards outside, four in. Lucas will stay with Azrael in case anything goes wrong. I'll continue with Ocean's search."

"Alone? That isn't safe and moreover I-" Lucas asks.

"It isn't up for discussion."

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