Apple of his eye

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"So here's what we know." I put my palms on the edge of the table and lean forward, "Last night at approximately nine-ish bombs rained down. How fun. Anyways, we also know that these bombs were not meant to kill us. Warn us? Threaten? Scare? We don't know. Furthermore, I also found these half smoked cigar that-"


Lucas blinks at Ocean then looks at me for answers.

"What?" Azrael asks.

"Damon smokes that brand. He's literally obsessed with them. Ruined my life with those in his mouth," She says with a humorless laugh.

"Ok. So new lead. I am not saying it is Damon. But I looked this brand up. It's expensive. Like really expensive. Very few people will be able to afford it. I am talking royals, dukes, duchesses, other nobles and heirs. That class of people."

"Also, your mom showed up conveniently after the bomb attack, while you were looking for evidence or whatever." Azrael adds.

He doesn't like my parents. I mean, can you blame him? My father killed his family. And once upon a time they loved him. Yes, things started going sideways later on but they were still his family.

I nod in reply and close my eyes, trying to connect the dots together. My mom does seem to conveniently show up at all the wrong places at the right time.

For example, the hospital, my kidnapping, the paradise that was actually prison. All those places. How did she know where I was? Or what was happening? Why was she there? And that voice. My father's older, softer, more father-y voice that I used to hear in my head at times.

Why did it tell me to run from him and to my mother? Is this just an elaborate scheme? Am I falling into some kind of twisted trap?

"Essie? You there?"

"Huh? What?"

Lucas looks at me accusingly.

"Yeah, you know what, I'll have to talk to my mother. Lucas, Ocean, take a few guards, scan the area, see if you can find anything else. Azrael, try to talk to the injured and find out what they remember from last night. And wish me luck."


I walk down the narrow halls and stop at an open door to check myself in the mirror.

I am not actively trying to please my mother or anything but...I am not going to lie, I do crave validation from her. Maybe because she's never been in my life and I want to prove to her that I turned out okay. I don't need her. Never did. While, secretly I do wish I had her in my life.

I look at my reflection with criticizing eyes, desperately searching for something to nitpick. I look at myself from all angles possible and when I absolutely hate myself, I decide I am done.

I go into my mother's room and find her staring intently at the a photo frame. Is she...crying?

"Oh. Esmeray. Didn't see you there." She quickly wipes her eyes and motions for me to come in.

I don't sit beside her on the bed and opt for a chair instead.

She regains her composure and shows me the picture. It's a family picture. Our family picture. While Mom was around and Dad was...the best dad ever.

"You know you were always your father's favorite? He said you were meant for great things. At night when you and your sister were asleep, he'd hold me and talk about you two. Especially you. He's say you'd be the best queen ever. The ruler this wretched world needs." Her lips twitch into a pained smile.

"I don't know what happened, I really don't. We were his world. He loved us so much. And you, Esmeray, you were the apple of his eye."

That's what I thought too.

Until one night, there were beer bottles being thrown at me as I try to hide my sister from the father that loved us oh so much.

"You aren't much of a better parent either, y'know. I'd say your worse. He hurt me by being there and you hurt me by not. You left. You left your husband, your two babies, everything that you claimed to love, you left. And don't, even for a second, think that I've forgiven you for that."

I don't blame my mother for turning my father into a monster. But she's not completely innocent either. She is not a good person.

No one can have royal blood and be a good person.

"Esmeray, I had to leave. You think I wanted to leave you and Emerald?"


"I don't know, you tell me."

"I didn't! You were my children. I had to do what I had to do. As Queen."

I nod in reply. I don't have the energy to argue or say anything.

"I am not here to talk about Kayan or you or us. I'll ask you questions and you'll answer as asked. Nothing more, nothing less."

She opens her mouth to say something but decides against it and simply nods.

"Where were you last night? While I could've died. Not surprised though."

"I was...taking a walk."

"In a forest at nine pm while being the head of a rebellion that the king is trying to hunt down? You're lying. You're a terrible mother but you are a good fighter. A smart one, atleast. Where. were. you?"

She looks uncomfortable, flexing her fists and straightening her back.

"Esmeray! You gotta see this!" Ocean yells.

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