Chapter 5: Wolf whistles and indecent clothing

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**Sam's P.O.V.**

I looked into the mirror. It was different. If I were to look into the mirror before I had made all the changes, I would have thought I was a stranger. I was a completely different person in my own skin. Everybody's Fool by Evanescence was blasting out of my stereo while I looked at myself.

How ironic.

My hair billowed out from my skull like some sort of wig. I wasn't used to it being there, so I stroked it like some sort of extra limb. My eyes were a startling shade of blue, and I opened my eyes wide so I could apply mascara. Okay, I admit that I poked myself in the eye multiple times. But that damn brush is hard to control! I loved makeup, but I didn't know how to use it. With my mother hardly at home, I had no female help and always studying to get good grades left me no time to practice .But the result was startling. I wasn't used to looking like a supermodel, and I wasn't sure if I was capable of looking even decent.

I started singing along, my tight outfit was quite limiting as I tried to dance. But I found curves that I didn't even know existed. I squealed and did a little twirl in the mirror. Damn.

The door bell rang, and I wondered who it would be. Then I remember Michael saying he would give me a ride to school, to make sure I followed his rules. Suddenly the cute outfit and my hair seemed like a bad idea. What if he didn't think I looked good? What if I applied the stupid make up wrong?

"C-come in!" I yelled running around to find my sweatshirt and glasses.

"Where are you Sam?" I heard Michael call from downstairs. "Just stay down there!" I warned, my voice getting squeaky. I heard him chuckle. "Hmm, suspicious. I think I should investigate." He called loudly.

"NO! Michael I'm warning you, I'm very...indecent!" I squeaked.

"More the reason to check on you. I want to make sure you did your homework correctly."

He made it sound very innocent, but I could hear his taunting. The doorknob jiggled and I cried out, covering myself up with my hands. Suddenly he opened the door, and stared me dead center. Straight in the eyes. It was silent for thirty seconds as he stared at me, his eyes impossible to read.

He looked me up and down.

This was so uncomfortable.

I couldn't take the silence any longer. "I'll get my sweatshirt and glasses on. I thought I didn't do it right." I sounded defeated as I searched the floor for my sweatshirt.

He coughed and shook his head.

"No. You look um p-perfect. You did everything perfectly..." He mused.

"And if you put on that damned sweatshirt I'll be forced to take action and remove it." I blushed and nodded.

"Now, get your stuff. We have work to do. Ready to make a stupid jock fall for you?" He asked in a joking tone. I laughed.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

**Michael's P.O.V.**

I couldn't look away. She wasn't like any girl I had ever dated before. Instead she looked completely beautiful. But she was different. And although I suddenly couldn't look away, I knew I still had to work on her if a piece of work like Braiden was going to even consider being her boyfriend. She still needed a lot of work...Then why couldn't I stop staring?

No, no, no. Bad Michael. You like chicks with empty heads that are up for everything. Not brainy, innocent, clumsy little chicks.

I revved the engine in an attempt to scare her. She just laughed. "Bring it speed demon, I can handle whatever you can dish out." I laughed darkly.

"A challenge, I see."

I drove to school thirty-five miles over the speed limit, which happened to be sixty. This was obviously faster than she, in her little safe world, was used to. I pulled into the parking lot. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide. She looked so innocent.

"That was awesome." She whispered.

I smirked and went to help her get out of the car. Because I was sure without me to help her, she would fall on her face.

Someone let out a wolf whistle and a few people howled when they saw her. She didn't seem to notice, though.

"Seems to be working well." I whispered into her ear.

She gave me a panicked look.

"Those were for me? I thought they were for some one else!" Her face flushed quite quickly, while more guys whistled.

"Face it Sam. You're hot and now everyone knows it."

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