Chapter 26: Alone time

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Strapping my seatbelt on, I ignored all the awkwardness that was there in between me and Michael. After being done with the hot chocolate, Terry sugested we show Michael the new club in town, which clearly was 18 as Terry gushed about how they had the best alcohol but you needed an ID.

Connor being 21 could get us all drinks as the rest of us lurked around 19 till 20 years of age.

I was already regretting on agreeing to go as Connor sat in the driving seat, me on the passenger side, and the rest of the 3 in the back. Michael right behind me as I ould feel his breath on my neck.

“Thank goodness I wore my red heels, at least with them on, I look a bit clubbing type.: Chandler gushed as she started at her heels while we made our ways into the club.

I had simple silver, straight dress on which stopped right above my knees. I didn’t bother with my hair, though I had traded my glasses for contacts for the night.

The bouncer didn’t bother checking our ID’s and lets us through, soon enough Terry had disappeared and Chandler was already getting hit on by a bunch of dudes. I scratched my arm uncomfortably as I saw Michael standing behind me staring at me with his hand in his black pockets and Connor stood next to me, scanning the crowd for hot bait most likely.

I’ll be right back.” Connor whispered in my ear, and just to show Michael, he kissed my cheeks but instead of looking at him while doing so, He was staring at Michael.

I just stood there emotionless not knowing what to do. But Michael had plans.

“Common.” Michael took hold of my hand, without waiting for my response and pulled me up to the bar.” He handed his ID to the bar attendant, who then gave Michael 4 shots.

Your not 21 ” I said looking at Michael.

“I know.” He said smugly. He put down the 4 shots on the little coffee table in front of us, which was right at the back corner and pulled out his ID from his pocket.

It read: Darren Croft.

I didn’t bother reading the rest of the data as I already knew it was fake, due to the goofy picture of Michael it had on the side.

I let out a little chuckle and handed him his fake ID back. He pushed 2 shots towards me while he swallowed down one of his own. “I don’t drink.” I said pushing them back towards him. “Oh come on, live a little. It’s been ages since we saw each other. Have some fun. For me? Please?” He gave me these cute puppy dog eyes at which I sharpened my breath and looked away.

Was he trying to kill me with his killer looks?

I gave in and drank both of them. They burned my throat and got me slightly addicted. “Go get some more.” I motioned Michael towards the bar, at which he laughed and went to the bar attendant and said something to him. Soon enough h came back, with a waiter on his heels carrying a tray which held around 6 shots. I thought of the risk of drinking down three more but then ignored my conscious and simply thought of having fun.

Both of us drowned the 3 shots, while making weird faces at each other in between.

“Woo I’m dizzy!” I stumbled walking towards Michael who stood across me, behind the coffee table.

Michael started laughing and grabbed my from my waist as he pulled me towards the exit of the club.

Soon enough I felt hyper but very dizzy at the same time. I pushed me head back so it rested on Michael’s neck, with my back towards him; I stood up on my tip toes and whispered in his ears, “Let’s go home.”

I had a feeling he wasn’t as drunk as I was and got a taxi to stop for us. Without giving a care for Chandler, Terry or Connor we both got in the back of the taxi and Michael slurred the address to my house.

When we got home and had already paid the Taxi driver, both of us got to my room and without caring the Michael stood in my presence I started undressing.

“Wow Sam, slow down there.” He chuckled while kicking his shoes off.

“Don’t get your hopes up sweaty; you’re not getting any of this tonight.” I said pointing down to my self. I only wore some short shorts and a bra.

“Aww, damn.” He said disappointed.

“I want to dance!” I said randomly. I turned on my stereo on which played DJ got us falling in love again by Usher Started to play while I started to dance around carelessly, spinning around in circles. While Michael leaned against my door watching in amusement.

You know we could have danced at the club.” He said matter of fact.

“Yes. I. Know. But. Stupid. Connor. Was. There.” I said panting between every word.

“No. Connor. Here. I’m. So. Happy!” I started spinning around in circles while giggling.

“Common!” I shouted at Michael who soon enough joined my, singing the song and spinning around in circles with me.

For about half an hour, we both danced around like fools, before I felt like I was about to pass out and fell flat on my bed.

“Ugh.” I groaned and soon enough Michael was next to me.

“I’m sleepy.” I yawned, looking at him.

“Then let’s sleep!” He said getting up and pulling me under the covers.

Your going to sleep with me?” I asked him, looking up at his figure as he lay next to me, with my sleepy eyes.

“If it is fine with you?” I asked me moving a bit back so he could see my face.

“Yep.” I said closing my eyes.

“I missed you so much Sam.” He whispered in my ear while nuzzling his head on my neck.

“I missed you too Michael. So much!” I said moving my face so the warm feeling inside me would stop.

Soon enough both of us lay in a spooning position.

“Goodnight.” Michael whispered before he kissed my head.

Soon enough darkness took over me and I slept very well in a long time.

Michael was back.

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