Chapter 9: Wow, when was he this hot?

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**Sam's P.O.V.**

I had dreamed of a dead person. I was certain that it had been Michael's mom pleading with me to be with him. But be with him how? As a friend or as...something more. I sighed, and Michael pulled his attention away from the falling raindrops to look at me. "What's wrong?" He asked curiously. I felt my face redden and I quickly made an excuse. "Oh, I was just wondering if you could take me home so I could take a shower. I wouldn't want to show up in the same clothes as I did yesterday after leaving with you." I admitted, thinking about people gossiping.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, 'cause I'm sooo afraid of what other people will say about me."

I stuck my tongue out, and laughed. "I wouldn't want to ruin your rep by having you be seen with the school nerd." I joked. But I knew it was true. If people thought he was sleeping with me, his reputation as a bad boy would probably dissolve. His laugh echoed through the garage, "Are you kidding? If people saw me with you they would probably be jealous. Don't you remember? You've changed your looks and now people think you'"

"Where did you hear that? Who called me sexy?" I commanded, thinking of Braiden Turner talking to his friends, about me. He turned his head suddenly, and said, "Y'know....Just people..."

I dropped the subject and punched his arm lightly. "Okay, are you going to take me home? Or do I get to drive again?" I asked, excited.

"Ha, no way are you going to drive my baby again. And plus, I need to shower too." He said, giving his car a sideways glance. I gave him my best pouty face.

"Aw, but you let me drive your baby yesterday. And besides, you can just shower at my house." I complained. He lifted one eyebrow, and I realized what he was thinking. "I have two showers you weirdo." I scoffed, my face turning slightly red. He laughed, "and here I thought I was getting lucky". I blushed and looked away, "that's not happening".

"Fine, whatever. But you are still not touching my car."


"You know, I'm kind of used to the way you drive now." I admitted to Michael, as we stepped inside my huge house.

"Yes, It's much more fun to break the rules than obey them." He said as he surveyed my house.

My house was nice, but obviously not as nice as his place. My place was pretty clean too, and I thanked god that I had remembered to clean up after myself. I bit my lip and waited for him to say something.

"You have a nice house, Ms. Rivera. But won't your Mother and Father be very furious that you brought home someone" He asked with a smirk.

A teasing smirk.

Even at this hour, Michael managed to look like the hottest bad boy.

"My parents aren't home. They're at work." I said, sounding cold and distant. I hadn't meant to sound defensive, but I did. And technically it wasn't lying, cause my parents were at work. They were just hundreds of miles away as they worked.

"Oh..." He began, sounding like he wanted to apologize. But I stepped further into the house and gave him a smile.

"Here, follow me. I'll show you how to work the shower."

I walked to the downstairs bathroom as he fallowed me like a stray puppy. I turned the knob to hot water and ran my fingers under it. I turned to him and told him to feel the water. He complied. "Is it too hot?" I questioned.

He looked me up and down once, and said, "No, it's perfectly hot." Glancing at me again. I backed up to the door quickly, and stuttered, "Well, that's it. I'm going to go take a shower now. I-if you're hungry when you get out, you can just take whatever you want from the fridge." Before he could say anything, I slammed the door shut. My heart was racing.

'You can't like Michael, you like Braiden remember! Braiden! Michael is just your student!' One part of my brain whispered.

The other part of my brain retorted, 'Yeah, just a student right? A student that is showering in your shower. And you sleep in his house. Sure, you guys are just pals, right?'

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I ran upstairs to my bedroom, and into my bathroom.

The two parts of my brain argued until I said aloud, "Just shut up!"

After my shower, I got half dressed, and put on a huge t-shirt. I ran downstairs, to see if he was still in the shower.

And there, right in the middle of my kitchen was Michael, wrapped in a bright pink Barbie towel. I began laughing so hard, I could barely breathe.

His cheeks turned red as he saw me. "Oh, laugh it up Sam. But this was the only damn towel you had. And I left my clothes in the car." He grimaced. I giggled again, realizing he was extremely mouth watering when he was wet. And his chest muscles?


"Come here Sam", he motioned me towards himself. I slowly walked towards him, while we maintained eye contact. When I was right in front of him, he pushed my wet hair back out of my face.

"You look sexy, even like this." He still kept staring into my eyes. I looked away and my face was on fire.

"And I love my shirt on you", he continued. Did Michael maybe like me?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and smiled mischievously, "I'll get your clothes." I ran outside, singing Barbie Girl at the top of my lungs.


School was uneventful again today as I was once again in the front seat of Michael's 'baby'. I groaned as he drove, batting my eyelashes at him. "Pwease let me dwive? Pwease?" I begged.

"No, I need to get home fast. My cousin Terry is coming into town. I have no doubt you'll love Terry. Everyone does. I must worn you that Terry is a bit....flamboyant, though." Michael said with a laugh. I gulped.

Oh no, I don't do well with other girls. What if she didn't like me? And what did he mean by flamboyant?

I silently chewed this over, as the Speed Demon drove closer to his house. My palms were getting sweaty, and my heart started beating faster. We got to his house, and he opened the door to the car, like he always did. I thanked him in a shaky voice and looked at the light pink bug that had a license plate that said, "13itch1"

Oh dear lord. This couldn't possibly go well.

I walked inside trailing after Michael, nervous. He opened the door and I looked around for someone that looked like Michael, only in woman form. Instead I saw a boy who looked a little older than us. He had black curly hair, and eyes the most beautiful shade of violet. He was wearing skinny jeans and a tight white t-shirt that showed off his abs. But that's not what caught my attention. His shirt was bright pink and he had a colorful rainbow scarf wrapped around his neck.

Before I had any time to react, Terry looked at Michael and screamed, "Mikey!" As he attacked him into a hug. 

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