Chapter 10:Gay cousin? Who would have thought.

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**Michael's P.O.V.**

"Mikey!" Terry called out, using the nickname he had used since we were seven. He wrapped his arms around me and squealed. I laughed, and patted his back. "Terry. It's been too long, man." He pulled away and gave me a wide smile. "Totally, I can't believe you called me to stay. And you said you needed some help, right? It's just like you to call me up cause you needed help..." He rolled his eyes.

"Her." I pointed behind me at Sam. She was smiling to herself, obviously due to my cousin's gay-ness. Terry let out a little gasp, "Oh, my!" And he ran in front of her. Terry sized her up. "She's beautiful. A hottie. Why do you need my help?" Terry mused, managing to sound annoyed. Although I could tell he was a bit smug, since I had called him for help.

"You haven't seen her in action. She needs to learn from the master, Ter. Take her to the mall or something. Please just say you'll help." I begged, knowing I had him. He glanced at her and nodded. "Okay. What's your name Hun?" He turned to Sam with a little wink.

"Sam. It's very nice to meet you." She said politely. She stuck out her hand, expecting him to shake it. He looked at her hand like it was an alien limb. Instead he squealed again and pulled her into a hug. They giggled like a bunch of school girls.

"We're going to have so much fun, Sammy! We can go to the mall tomorrow, and hang out. We're going to be great friends, I can just see it." Terry gushed, pulling away from her. She smiled, her cheeks blushing.

"Do you mind if I invite my friend?" She asked timidly. "Go ahead, girl. Call her on my cell and tell her to meet us there. The more the merrier." He said warmly, handing her a tiny flip phone.

"Thanks." She said, running out the door, almost tripping on the frame. I choked back a laugh. I turned to face Terry, and saw him giving me a weird look. A look that said 'I know what you're thinking'.

"What?" I mumbled, defensiveness creeping into my voice.

"You like her." He stated plainly, picking at his nail. He said it so casually, as though we were discussing the weather. My face turned red.

"No, I don't." I growled, feeling myself blush. A corner of his mouth turned up, defiant and cocky. "Sure, whatever you say, Mike. But I've known you forever and I've never seen this look before. It's the look of love, cousin." He stated.

He was wrong of course. Wasn't he wrong? Because I was sure Sam would never like me. She was too busy fawning over the dumb jock. I obviously wasn't her type. "I'm helping her. Like a charity case, y'know? She was hopeless. I'm helping her get this guy to like her." I defended. Terry put his hands up, as if saying, 'Whatever, I was just saying,' and shrugged. "I just know what I see, Mike. And I just thought...."

"Maybe you didn't think Terry. It's insulting that you would think I would like her." I was being too cocky. I was being a jerk. But then again, Terry hated conflict, and I knew it. He would back down and never mention it again.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Ass hole." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. I turned and walked up the stairs, grumpily. How dare he accuse me of anything? What did he know?

I went into my room, and quickly fell asleep soon after.

**Sam's P.O.V.**

Chandler was failing to pick up her phone after a few seconds so I decided to leave a message on her machine. "Hey Chandler. I can't believe you wouldn't pick up the phone. I bet you're studying with Jimmy, eh? Haha, I'll call you later. Bye!"

I was about to walk back into the house when I heard Terry and Michael talking. I knew I shouldn't listen in, but I stopped in my tracks. Somehow I knew they were talking about me.

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