Chapter 7: You know your crazy when you talk to your own heart.

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**Michael's P.O.V.**

"You drive like a snail. Wait, I see a snail going faster than us." I sneered as Sam drove my baby.

I don't know how she convinced me to let her drive my car. I don't let anyone touch my baby but when Sam looked up at me with her pleading blue eyes, I didn't know how to say no.

She laughed. "I'm driving the speed limit, Unlike you." She stuck out her tongue. "Whatever, at least when I drive we get somewhere!" I laughed as she stuck out her tongue again.

I opened her door for her as she tried to get out gracefully, although it was tough for her. I don't know what was happening to me. I wouldn't open doors for anyone before. Being clumsy and all. I led her inside the house and called, "Anyone here?" Praying that my father had something better to do than be here. Nobody said anything back so I assumed he was either passed out or gone. I was hoping for the second one though. "Where's your dad?" She asked, seeming concerned. I rolled my eyes. "Like I care where he is." She gave me a sad look, but didn't press it.

"Time to teach you how to have a conversation with a man, Sam." I said, remembering earlier when she'd made a complete fool of herself. I laughed at the memory, and she gave me a stern 'no-no' look. "Nope, time for math first. Remember...pop quiz? Ring any bells?"

The thought of dealing with math and numbers made my head spin. I groaned. "No, I teach you first this time." I grumbled. She crossed her arms and remained looking firm. Soon, we were in a glaring match. "You first. Or I tickle you." I threatened, still glaring. Fear flashed in her eyes for a moment but she never let it reach her face. She was always up for a challenge. That's what made her so different from the girls I dated. "Nope, You first. And you can't tickle me, 'cause I can run faster than you." She said triumphantly. I laughed evilly. "Really, wanna bet?" And that's when I lunged.

**Sam's P.O.V.**

Michael has a cute evil laugh, I realized. I shook my head a little to get the weird thoughts out. Again, he's a jerk. So I can't like him.....At all."Really, wanna bet?" He asked, getting in a striking position. And that's when he lunged. I squealed, and started running away, with Michael at my heels. I turned around. "Nananananana, You can't catch me!" I said and stuck tongue out. I've never felt so carefree. He growled, and ran faster. I screamed and leaped onto the living room couch.

He leaped right onto me and tickled me like crazy. I screamed and he laughed. "Say I win." He commanded tickling me. "Never!" I screamed, laughing. He tickled me some more. "Say it!" He growled playfully. "!" I gasped. He pulled away, and gave a triumphant laugh. "Ha! I tutor first!"

"Don't let it go to your head Michael, cause I'll get you next time. Mark my words!" I said, as he rolled his eyes. We both sat on the couch for a few seconds until he said, "Okay, now imagine I'm Braiden." He said suddenly. I blushed.I was a lot more aware of how close we were. He wrapped his arm around me. "Hey Sam, Nice to see you again. Your lookin' mighty fine." He said in a dumb jock voice. I snorted and rolled my eyes. Braiden sounded nothing like this.

"Hi Braiden." I said. My mind raced for other things to talk about, but it came up a blank. Michael raised an eyebrow, and waited. I bit my lip. Michael sighed. "See, you have to find something to talk about, or every time you see him you're going to make a complete fool of yourself. So, what does Braiden like?"

"Football....And um, lifting weights....." I mumbled, not thinking of anything else. Michael waited for another thing, but I couldn't think of anything. "Okay, that's not much to work with..." He mumbled. "As him questions about football, or comment about how big his muscles are. Guys like compliments, because our egos are huge. And we like to know that you're interested in the same things we are. So let's try this again. Hey Sam, what's up?" He asked again, giving me his best jock voice. I held back a laugh. "Hi Braiden, How's training?" I asked, smiling. Michael shrugged his shoulders. "Y'know, it's pretty good. The couch has me benching two fifty. But it's not big deal."

I leaned in close. He looked curious as I leaned in close enough to whisper in his ear."Seems like all that extra work has really paid off Braiden. Your muscles are huge." I squeezed Michael's arm. I was determined to progress like Michael had with his maths homework. It felt like a jolt of electricity went through my body, and I pulled away. "How was that?" I asked Michael/Braiden. I chewed on my lip nervously. I sounded breathless, as though I had just ran a marathon. Michael let out a cough.

"No one will be able to resist you if you are that cunning, Ms. Rivera. I feel sorry for the poor sap who thinks he can resist you." He said, as though he were sharing some private joke with himself. I squealed. "R-really? You think so! Oh Michael, you're such a good teacher!" I exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. There was another jolt of electricity between us, that I ignored. His body was warm and he smelled like a mix of Irish Spring body soap and Axe. I inhaled his scent deeply, wanted it to be imprinted into my nose forever. Finally, he pulled away. "Yeah, I'm a good teacher all right. But we have more work to do if you want him to like you. Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I answered, more confident than I had ever been.

*five hours later*

"Favorite Color." I said seriously, having discussed everything else. Me and Michael had been goofing off after he helped me with my conversations with 'Braiden'. He laughed, "Favorite Color. Psh, You want to know my favorite color?" He snorted. I nodded. "Please tell me! Pweeeassse!" I said, giving him the puppy dog face. "Fine," He grumbled, "My favorite color is green. Happy?" I beamed. "That's my favorite color too!"

He laughed. Suddenly he got up and ran towards the kitchen. "Where are you going?" I called after him. I remained on the couch, too lazy to move. He returned with a carton of ice cream and two spoons. "I believe you said Coffee ice cream was your favorite, right?" He asked with a wicked little grin. I squealed. "Yes, omigosh, I'm so hungry!"

He plopped down next to me and opened the carton. We both dug our spoons into the creamy goodness. "Oh, by the way, It's 9:00." He said, as though it was nothing. I dropped the spoon and my eyes went wide. "Damn it! I have to go home, and we haven't even started your homework! I can't believe we blew off five hours of work!" I panicked. He pressed his index fingers to his lips. "Shhh, calm down. You can crash here, and I'll worry about my homework and stuff. I can handle Mr. M, trust me." He rambled, making me feel even worse. "But-" I protested. He put his hand over my mouth. "No. Just listen to me for once, okay? I'll be fine, you can crash here. End of story." At the point I felt Michael and I were good friends after the hours we had spent.

We ate ice cream until I yawned. He grinned, "Someone is tired, huh? Well let's go to the bedroom and get you settled." I looked up at Michael, he looked pretty sleepy too. My heart thudded extra fast. "Wait, we're sleeping in the same room?" I said, blushing. He choked on a bit of ice cream he was eating. Blinking his sleepiness away."N-no, no, we have a guest room!" he stuttered.

I laughed at my stupid-ness and sleepily got off the couch. "Sorry. Show me the way!" He nodded and lead me down a series of hallways, until we reached two large white doors. I wasn't sure how to feel. I hadn't ever slept over at a guys house before. He opened one to a beautiful guest room, with white pillars and a fancy canopy bed. It looked like it was truly a room for a princess. "W-wow." I stuttered.

"I thought you would like this room. Anyways, I should get to bed. Night Sam." He whispered groggily and then something happened. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. A friendly, light little kiss. But that's when my heart melted a little. I don't know if he kissed me because he was sleepy and wasn't in his senses. "Yeah...G'night.." I whispered.

I closed my door quickly and sat against the door in the darkness. Myheart thudded, making me feel as though my whole body was shaking. I growled."Shut up heart. I'm tired of listening to you."    

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