Chapter 28:

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Hey guys, If you dont' understand whats going on then go ahead and ask, I'll happily explain :D

Oh and Happy Eid to everyone who celebrates!





It was the second week since Michael had been back and staying away from him has been killing me.

I had the urge to launch my self at him every time so I made sure I kept my distance, which also pleased Connor.

Today, although that would be hard.

It was Christmas Eve and there was a party at the local hotel. Everyone was expected to come. I didn’t expect Michael to go but Terry had forced him as it would be a good way to meet people and know more about universities and jobs available.

Chandler of course would also be going. She couldn’t miss a single party.

Connor didn’t want to go to some fancy shit party (his words exactly) but was forced, after all his parents were one of those who had organized it.

My parents would finally be coming back from a year trip from visiting Europe. They left a year ago saying it would help me start univesity, but now they were coming back I was kind of glad.

Connor would have to go back home. (Well until my parents don’t decide their next trip)

They were also one of the peoples who had organized this party so that meant I had to be there too.

Picking what to wear wasn’t that hard, until Chandler barged into my room saying I could no go to a Christmas Eve party wearing a plaid black skirt and a light blue blouse.

I was demanded to wear an overrated red dress with black accessories. Then feeling like I was being held at gun point, my hair and make up was done on the courtesy of Chandler.

I groaned at the memory of all the high school parties I had attended and Chandler always made me go through the same routine.

Every time I had to attend a party with Connor it would be much better. He wouldn’t force me to wear make up, or high heels. Of course he needed me wearing presentable clothes which I never denied. Also I felt more comfortable around him. Being with him for 3 years straight had obviously left some effect.

I liked him. In a friendly way though. But when the bossy side of him came out, I would always be afraid.

“Thank goodness you both are done shinning your self.” Connor sighed as me and Chandler stepped out my house to get into his car.

“Girls got to do, what a girl has got to do.” Chandler said in a sing song voice.

Connor opened the door for both of us gesturing for us to get in. I looked at the front seat and saw it was already occupied.

“Hello ladies.” Terry said as soon as we both sat. Which meant Michael was in the front.

Me and Chandler give our quick replies and soon random conversation began.

“So Michael, Chandler is your date?” Terry asked. I wanted to kill him for bringing such an awkward subject up.

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