Chapter 29: Only just a memory

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I was an idiot thinking he would kiss me. Sure I said I loved him but it didn’t mean he believed it. I wasn’t even sure if I believed it. After all I was trying to get him out the room at any cost. He wouldn’t kiss me. Definitely not in the situation we were both in. Confused and desperate.

I moved away from him after 10 minutes of just staring at his face. Slowly I pushed my hair off my face which had some how ended up there, “Um it’s a very long story, it starts 3 years back. When you left.” I whispered the last part. He didn’t say anything. Instead he just grabbed my hand and pulled me out the hall. Soon we were both walking on the side of the street. I just gave him a confused look, I had no idea where he was taking me.

I noticed we were both outside a library. The library where we would both usually go so I could tutor him.

Memories from 3 years back flooded back. We were both such idiots. Me more of an idiot then him. What was I thinking when I agreed to tutor him in math so he could tutor me in the way of love? We both failed at our task. Both of us changed each other.

I was no longer the nerd looking girl, and he wasn’t the same bad ass rebel. Sure we both had some of our old traits in us but we changed. A lot.

I was in love with the old Michael but he changed although I was still the same Samantha since 3 years.

We didn’t enter the library, just silently stood outside. Hand in hand. Snow was spread out around us beautifully, and the street lights were reflecting down on the white, slippery surface. The library’s tomb glowed almost making the scene perfect.

“Samantha, tell me everything.” I nodded reacting to his demand. I didn’t care if Connor found out I told him. We both would end up together. Connor could do whatever the hell he liked. I got him out his mess; he had to keep his promise now.

“Okay, 3 years back when you left, Connor had this sudden interest in me and I honestly didn’t enjoy it. But then once he said something to me, about how he knew what was going on. Michael I knew you left to Military school. I was one of the closest people to you, I understood you. Chandler tried her best trying to make me believe that you went to Detroit but I know you wouldn’t ever go there. That’s were you’re mum is buried. You said you would never visit her.

“Michael I had admitted I was in love with you and Connor used that against me. He said it wasn’t love, he said I just needed someone to be with because I was lonely, and you know what? It made sense except I was actually in love with you. He said he would be with me but I would have to be engaged to him after a year of dating. I didn’t understand why he would want that. I wanted to wait for you, and I told him that. But then he said you didn’t give a shit, that you weren’t going to come back. And you didn’t, for three years you didn’t.I started believing this and after we got engaged he told me the reason why he wanted this.

“His parents were forcing him to get married. He didn’t want to marry anyone yet but because he didn’t want to marry the girl his parents had picked he got engaged to me, though his parents didn’t approve. They want him to marry their friends daughter. It’s a business thing I guess. Today they were going to announce this. Today Connor had to tell his parents he was ‘in love with me’ so they wouldn’t force him to marry her. But she was here, with her mother. Her mother has the whole wedding planned out with his parents. And she was supposed to come from Canada after 2 months but she came early.”

Michael just stared at me while I explained the whole mess I was in. His face expressionless.

“ He’s a fool, he still thinks he can fix this if only the parents know and none of his friends. He says it’s his secret. But you know what? I don’t care anymore. You still love me.” His face expression still remained the same. But before I could ask him what was wrong my cell phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I sighed. “Sam, this party is awesome. Where the hell are you? Oh gosh got to go, the dance is just beginning!”Chandler rushed everything in one breath.

I looked up to Michael who was looking up towards the cold, dark sky.

“She says the dance is starting, thought I can’t remember that there actually was a party at the pool.” I looked up and saw Michael switching his phone on.

He put on a song which I soon recognized, coming home, by Skylar Grey.

“Let’s dance.” Without a response he pulled me up the stairs to where the Library’s porch was and rested his hands on my waist while I looked up at him confused.

“I don’t know what to say Sam, and I guess we could both enjoy a dance.” The intense look he was giving me made me blush and gaze away.

The song fit perfectly with the situation but one thing other then the perfect song amazed me was that Michael could really dance.

“I thought your dad sent you to Military school and not dancing school” I giggled.

He gave me a playful glare and rested his head against mine, his warm breath hitting my face felt so good compared to the cool air around us.

“Stop ruining the moment.” Then he leaned in closer. I thought about how I thought he wouldn’t kiss me due to the situation.

His cool lips were soon on top of mine while I stood there still. My brain forced me to kiss back. There weren’t fire works nor did anything tingle. His eyes were shut tight and mine were wide open staring at him in shock. He was still beautiful, but not the person who I fell in love with.

Michael was not who he was 3 years back.

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