Chapter 10

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At the end of lecture Hallie jumps up right away to go greet Rowan. I on the other hand, take my time putting my belongings back in my backpack.

I glance over to see them all conversing while standing in a semi-circle.

I zip my backpack and sling it over my shoulder while taking some calming breaths. I walk up the stairs and out the doors. I feel them following behind me, but I don't slow down. I walk out the front doors and begin on the path that will take me to my apartment.

I hear my phone ring in my pocket so I take it out.

'MOM' flashes across the screen. I pause to look at the name. Her contact picture is a picture of us the night of my senior prom. Tears begin brim in my eyes as I silence the call.

I haven't answered her calls since it happened. I texted her a few days ago letting her know I was fine.

The phone screen goes back to black as it sends her to voicemail.

I jump back slightly when I see the reflection bouncing off the black screen. It's not my face but his. The word traitor consumes my mind. It's his voice and it's loud.

I begin walking again and pick up the pace. I put my phone back into my pocket right before running into something, hard.

Egan's hands grab me before I can fall onto the concrete sidewalk.

I grab onto his arms as I steady myself.

"What's going on?" he asks me while pulling me to the side and looking down at me with my favorite caramel eyes. I shudder away remembering what his eyes looked like earlier this morning.

"N-nothing," I respond while glancing back at him.

"Who called you?" he asks.

"Look, I'm going to my apartment and if you try to stop me, I'm calling the police," I reply while walking around him.

"Don't be like that," he demands while pulling me back and pressing me against the bike shop, we are standing in front of.

"Like what, Egan? I'm just trying to go home. I don't want to be around you or Pierson at the moment and I can make that choice all by myself. I don't have to talk about who's calling me or who's not calling me. I don't have to do shit," I spew while getting angrier by the minute.

This is their mess not mine.

Egan takes in my words while blocking me from moving by placing his hands on either side of my head. He ducks his head down so we are eye to eye.

"I don't want to do shit either. May I accompany you to our shit free day?" he smirks. His face is so close to mine that his nose is almost touching mine.

The closer he gets, the more the anger starts to evaporate out of me.

"No," I say, but let out a small laugh. Egan's hard to stay mad at.

"I know you're overwhelmed. Let's go back to your apartment and unwind," he suggests.

I glance over to Pierson watching us. He's about 10 feet away from us. Rowan and Hallie must have broken away earlier because they are nowhere in sight.

Egan pushes away from the building, brining me back to reality.

"You're like a vortex sometimes Egan," I laugh while grabbing his hand.

"A vortex," he tries out.

"Yeah, drawing me in," I explain.

"Interesting," he smiles while squeezing my hand.

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