Chapter 15

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The alarm clock jolts me out of sleep.

I spent the night at Egan's.

Pierson was not happy about it, but he is picking me up this morning to take me to campus.

"Kayde, time to get up," Egan says while rubbing his hand back and forth across my stomach.

"No," I grumble while rolling over to snuggle into him. He's so warm, why would I ever I want to get up?

"Yes," he laughs while rolling me back over. I feel him move so he is hovering over me.

"Please get up," he whispers. He mouth is so close to my ear, that I feel his breath tingling against it.

I turn my head to wear his lips his must be, but then the bed lifts up and he is gone.

I open my eyes and see him standing next to the bed looking amused.

"That was mean," I protest, but can't hold back my smile.

He grabs my arms and pulls me up out of bed. He places his lips on mine and then turns me in the direction of the bathroom.

"Go get ready, Pierson will be here in 30 minutes," he reminds me.

I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I then comb through my hair, deciding to leave it wavy. Even with the waves, my hair falls almost all the way down my ribcage.

I make a mental note to make a hair appointment in the near future.

I grab my phone and text Keelie; I can't wait to see her in class tomorrow.

'Miss you! Can't believe I'm actually looking forward to lecture tomorrow ;) Also, should I cut my hair? HELP!'

I smile at the "help." Keelie loves being involved in my hair making decisions. I can picture her on Pintrest now, searching for inspiration.

I add mascara to my long eyelashes and a lit bit of concealer and foundation to my face, I look as tired as I feel.

I pull on my navy-blue leggings and tan fitted shirt that ties into a bow in the front. I slip my socks on and then my favorite Hoka tennis shoes.

I jump at the sound of a large crash.

"E?" I call while running towards the stairs. I almost trip down them I am going so fast.

"E? Answer me," I panic while taking the last step and heading to the kitchen. I hear growls rip through the house, echoing all around me.

I freeze.

There are two wolves standing in between the kitchen and living room. They bare their teeth at Egan, who is also in wolf form and moves to stand protectively in front of me.

There is glass everywhere, the gray wolf has blood on their fur, they must have crashed through the sliding glass door.

I hear pounding on the door and run to answer it, but pause.

It's not Pierson, I can't feel him.

My movement caused chaos in the kitchen area and I back away from the front door, as the pounding gets louder. Whoever is out there is kicking the door, and it won't take long before they get in.

I run past the stairs and open the door to the basement. I have never been down here before but I know there's a way out somewhere.

I shut the basement door behind me and am met with stairs. I run down them and there is a large room at the bottom. I flick the light switch and scream when I come face to face with Noah.

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