Chapter 24

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Moonlight members are cheering as we make our way to the front of the room. The excitement in the room makes me put all the emotions from the conversation with Pierson on the back burner.

I smile as we pass all the pack members and my eyes lock with Keelie.

I pick up my pace and give her a quick side hug as I walk by. I wave to Ledger and then join Egan at the front.

He grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring smile.

"You've got this," he whispers while squeezing my hand.

"Everyone, this is Kayde," Egan announces.

"Hi Kayde," they say in unison.

"Nice to meet you all," I smile back at them.

"We'd like to discuss the proposal we have been working on with Starlight. This new proposal is an updated escape plan that involves a trial period between a werewolf and their mate, before the human mate can be offered the escape route. Starlight agreed that after the trial period is over, they would not contact their mate if they chose to leave. So, in theory the routes won't really be needed, but still there as an option," Egan announces.

I scan the room to see everyone processing this information.

"Kayde, do you want to read the proposal?" he asks lowly.

I glance back at him and then feel myself nodding head. He hands me the paper and I glance down at it.

I hear my voice beginning to speak, I'm proud at how confident I sound. I must be channeling my confidence that I have in this program, because I feel defeated. The moment I saw Pierson's signature on the page brought me back to this afternoon.

I read the final line and then look up at the Moonlight members. They are nodding their heads in agreement. Whispers are filling the room of how great this change will be.

"Any questions?" Egan asks, but he sounds distant. I glance over at him to see he is already looking at me.

"Egan," Ledger addresses while raising his hand. I like the causality of Moonlights pack meetings. They are informal and discussion based.

I mostly like that Ledger just called Egan, Egan, and not Alpha.

"Ledger," Egan nods his head while tearing his gaze away from my face.

"Just to clarify, any mates that have used the escape route will be offered to come back and partake in the 6-week trial?" He confirms.

"That is correct. They can come back on their own means, but if they want a mate-free life here, they need to complete the 6-week trial," he explains.

Nods of understanding fill the crowd.

Egan answers a few more questions, but my eyes lock with familiar caramel ones. I notice the flames of excitement dancing in her eyes. They are identical to Egan's when he's passionate about something.

She catches my eye and gives me a breathtaking smile. I offer her a smile back and then my eyes shift to the man next to her.

Egan's parents. Egan's dad.

He looks like him, but his dad's eyes are a darker brown and his hair is black peppered with gray.

I take a deep breath and focus back on Egan's voice. I look over at him and Pierson's name coming out of his mouth makes me zone back into the actual words he's saying.

He's saying something about helping both sides regardless of which pack I chose.

I feel his presence before I see him.

The Kaydence EscapeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon