Chapter 14

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After a torturous 50 minutes. I haven't glanced or spoken to Egan. I pack up my things and follow Egan out of the building. We walk back to his truck and I get the in the back seat.

Once I'm in the back and I lay down and close my eyes. I need a nap. I hear Egan get in, but he doesn't say anything.

The truck begins moving and I feel myself start to doze off.

I hear the truck door close and then the passenger one open. Egan lifts me out of the backseat and begins carrying me.

I open my eyes to see we are at his house. I move to get out of his arms and he sets me back on my feet. We walk through the front door and I go directly to the living room to sit on the couch.

He silently follows and sits next to me while angling his body towards me. I do the same, but I look at my hands.

"Look at me," he softly says. I lift my eyes to meet his. They are back to my favorite caramel color.

"Why were you so cold earlier?" I ask. He frowns.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't get myself calm after-," he stops talking and sighs.

"After?" I prompt.

"Listen, I was jealous," he sighs, "No I am jealous," he continues.

"It's a complicated situation," I add placing my hand under his chin. I run my thumb over his chin. He has stubble.

"I like this," I smile running my thumb over it again. He smiles at me and then grabs both of my hands and hold them in his.

"Look Kayde, at the end of the day I want you to be happy and if you love Pierson then I'm happy for you," he tells me.

He stumbles over the word love. I stare at him for moment unsure of how he knew that. Pierson had whispered it to me this morning but I didn't say it back.

I inhale a breath and hold it.

Rule number three.

"You both made rules," I piece together. "So, was rule number three about the word, love?" I ask.

Egan sighs and stands up; he then pulls out his wallet and grabs a piece of paper from it. He unfolds it, sits back down, and hands it to me.

1. Kaydence will not be claimed until she has officially announced her decision with both parties present.

2. No negative comments about the other mate or pack.

3. Both parties are not to say 'I love you' until Kaydence has spoken the words first. In the case Kaydence has declared love that party may reciprocate the words.

4. Both parties will keep in contact with important information while Kaydence is in the other packs territory.

5. In the event Kaydence choses a mate-free life, both parties will not ever make contact with her again.

I read it two times before making sense of these words.

Egan and Pierson have both signed the bottom.

"W-why," I whisper while standing up. Why couldn't I know about this?

I read rule number three again.


"Egan-I," I start to tear up. I thought I liked the look of jealousy in Egan's caramel eyes, but I was wrong. I hate it. I feel like I'm being torn to shreds.

I drop the rules and walk towards the front door.

My breathing becomes shallow, as I struggle to takes breaths. I put my hand over my chest in an attempt to slow my racing heart.

"Kayde," Egan soothes while catching my arms.

"I-I can't breathe," I tell him. While reaching for the handle on the front door. I need to go outside. There's no air in here.

Egan follows me outside and pulls me down to sit on the porch step with him.

He wraps an arm around me.

"Don't think about breathing. Just tell me what you see," he calmly prompts.

I nod.

"Porch," I say while touching my hand to the cement.

"What else?" he asks.

I'm silent for a moment as I look around. Air is easily beginning to flow through my lungs again. My heart rate is starting to slow back to a normal rate.

"Truck, trees, and E," I say while resting my head on his shoulder.

We're quiet for moment. My breathing is back to normal.

"We have to go back inside. I don't want you out here for long amounts of time," he explains while standing up and offering me his hand.

I take it and we head back inside.

I walk back to the living room and pick the list of rules up off the floor. I sit down and look over it again.

"I don't really know what overcame me when I told Pier I love him, but I did say it," I start out while looking over at Egan who is now sitting next to me.

"I love both of you in very different ways and for different reasons," I confess.

Egan pulls me onto his lap so I am straddling him.

"Say it again," he nearly whispers.

"Egan, I am in love with you," I tell him.

"I love you so much Kayde," he tells me while holding my face in his hands. He guides me to his lips and I crash into them.

Egan is not gentle. He kisses me like he needs to me feel every ounce of emotion he feels. He does it with such an urgency it makes my heart feel like it's going to leap out of my chest.

I pull away to catch my breath and Egan moves to my neck. I press myself further against him, I want him.

I want Egan, all of him.

I push away from him in aggravation. I stand up and head to the kitchen to get my water bottle.

"What's going through your head?" Egan asks while joining me in the kitchen.

"I feel like a slut, okay?" I say in annoyance.

"What are you talking about?" Egan tries to hide his silent chuckle, but fails miserably. I narrow my eyes at him, he finds this humorous?

"I was making out with Pierson on his kitchen floor less than 24 hours ago," I hint. He straightens up at this information and advances towards me.

He pushes me against the fridge and holds me there.

"I never want to see that image in my head again," he lowly says, his caramel eyes burning into mine.

"See what I mean? It's confusing and in the end, someone is going to get hurt and it's my fault," I whisper the last part, tears are threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Do you feel more connected to Pierson now? He pushes.

"Yes," I whisper.

"It's like ours?" he confirms.

"No. There are moments with Pier where I see a different side to him, a side I love, but it's not like ours. Ours is stronger and never dull," I tell him while wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him.

"I know this isn't easy," he returns my hug and kisses my head. "I love you so much Kayde. You are so strong," he adds.

The tears that were threatening to fall are now rolling down my cheek.

I can't believe how wrong I was about mates.


Egan..? :)

Much Love,


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